
2006-12-19 7:17 pm

回答 (3)

2006-12-19 7:50 pm
✔ 最佳答案
it is NOT the combination of 'oe' which tells you the pronunciation of the word.
actually, there isn't any exact rule for you to follow in regard to the pronunciation of words.
There are, generally, a couple of ways to learn pronunciation:
1. look up dict
2. by hearing how people pronounce the words in daily conversation , including media
3. ask your teacher/ friend/ here

so you need to tell me what word it is that you wanna know its pronunciation

i dun know which phonetic symbol you talking about
maybe you could put up the like here so that we can have a look.

hope it helps

2006-12-19 11:54:07 補充:
*maybe you can put up the link here so that we can have a lookyou'll find all of them here:http://dictionary.cambridge.org/help/phonetics.htm
2006-12-19 10:47 pm
œ 音字有: 啄, 薑, 娘, 強, 長, 樣, 兩 等等

ø音未有: 水, 女, 恤, 隊, 對, 出, 佢等等

œ 及ø 的主要分別:


œ 是長音 , 在粵音字中平均音長是 184ms (微秒), ø 則為 87ms

2. 出現的位置 (在有尾輔音的音節裏):

œ: 只在舌後音之前出現 (ng, k) 例: 著 (tsœk)

ø: 只在舌前音 (n,t) 及 y前出現 例l 水 (søy)

3. 發音位置:

œ : 舌頭稍為前一點及低一點
ø : 舌頭較後(偏中)及高一點點

2007-01-04 17:15:46 補充:
參考: 書: 摩登廣州話語音學; 及本人曾習語言學
2006-12-19 8:41 pm
œ 是“香/上/強”的母音
ø 音跟œ差不多,嘴巴比較圓一點(但不要太緊,因為那會變成y/“於”的母音)


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