(12/19) 急急 ~~中譯英 ~~ tks !!

2006-12-19 6:42 pm
1) 如果想話 : 唔係呀 ?? 無收過依份顏色記錄 !! 但係根據我地o既 record !! 我地真係已經係??/??寄左比妳喎 ~~ 唔該妳真係搵清楚d先 ~~因為我手上得返好細塊 col留底 ~~如果妳真係搵唔到 ~~ 我只可以張手上僅餘我寄埋比妳 ~~~

2) 我地已經等妳o既回覆等左好多日啦 ~~因為一直收唔到妳O既通知 ~所以工廠一直無落訂單比供應商同埋已經停哂生產 ~~請知悉咁樣真係好影響個生產進度 !! 因為咁我地好大可能唔可以趕及按原先要求時間走貨 ~ 好大可能要延遲到新年後先可以走貨 !! 因為由 ??月??日 至到??月??日係中國農歷新年 ~~依段時間所以工人都會返哂鄉下所以唔會有人做野 ~~ 大概要係??月??日工廠先會開門再返工 ~~所以煩請盡早提供資料以便趕及貴司貨期 。

回答 (3)

2006-12-20 2:28 am
✔ 最佳答案
1) If want to talk finally: Well the member? ? Have not accepted and depended on a face record! ! A director according to my place o record! ! Has my place really person been already the member? ? /? ? You more left than to draw close ~~Well in front of your really person clear thistles and thorns d of this ~~Because reason I must return to detailed yuans of col keep on file well on hand ~~If you well, reach really person finally ~~I, than can play with hand the other side's face only I draw close and bury you ~~~2) Wait a moment for my such many suns of lefts as your o has already been replied in the place ~~Because reason charge well, get you O is it is it is it book original person who entertain with bury than place with one factory pavilion Shen produce already to fall to have directly to notify already ~~Support understand thoroughly kind really person kind to influence pieces of progress of producing! ! Because reason all right I place very heavy and possible well with is it is it the goods leave according to original ahead demand time to reach to rush ~ It is very big can lengthen late priority to New Year in order that the goods have left possibly! ! Because is the reason a cause? ? The moon? ? Is Japan to arriving? ? The moon? ? Japan person the Spring Festival of China ~~The reason why worker city return to Shen countryside place with well, someone will make wildly in accordance with period of time ~~ The general important official? ? The moon? ? Will open to do over again in front of the Japanese factory ~~Offer the materials early in order to rush to reach goods one of your department by troubling the support by the place.
2006-12-22 4:50 pm

1) 如果想話 : 唔係呀 ?? 無收過依份顏色記錄 !! 但係根據我地o既 record !! 我地真係已經係??/??寄左比妳喎 ~~ 唔該妳真係搵清楚d先 ~~因為我手上得返好細塊 col留底 ~~如果妳真係搵唔到 ~~ 我只可以張手上僅餘我寄埋比妳 ~~~

2) 我地已經等妳o既回覆等左好多日啦 ~~因為一直收唔到妳O既通知 ~所以工廠一直無落訂單比供應商同埋已經停哂生產 ~~請知悉咁樣真係好影響個生產進度 !! 因為咁我地好大可能唔可以趕及按原先要求時間走貨 ~ 好大可能要延遲到新年後先可以走貨 !! 因為由 ??月??日 至到??月??日係中國農歷新年 ~~依段時間所以工人都會返哂鄉下所以唔會有人做野 ~~ 大概要係??月??日工廠先會開門再返工 ~~所以煩請盡早提供資料以便趕及貴司貨期 。


1) If want to talk finally: Well the member? ? Have not accepted and depended on a face record! ! A director according to my place o record! ! Has my place really person been already the member? ? /? ? You more left than to draw close ~~Well in front of your really person clear thistles and thorns d of this ~~Because reason I must return to detailed yuans of col keep on file well on hand ~~If you well, reach really person finally ~~I, than can play with hand the other side's face only I draw close and bury you ~~~

2) Wait a moment for my such many suns of lefts as your o has already been replied in the place ~~Because reason charge well, get you O is it is it is it book original person who entertain with bury than place with one factory pavilion Shen produce already to fall to have directly to notify already ~~Support understand thoroughly kind really person kind to influence pieces of progress of producing! ! Because reason all right I place very heavy and possible well with is it is it the goods leave according to original ahead demand time to reach to rush ~ It is very big can lengthen late priority to New Year in order that the goods have left possibly! ! Because is the reason a cause? ? The moon? ? Is Japan to arriving? ? The moon? ? Japan person the Spring Festival of China ~~The reason why worker city return to Shen countryside place with well, someone will make wildly in accordance with period of time ~~ The general important official? ? The moon? ? Will open to do over again in front of the Japanese factory ~~Offer the materials early in order to rush to reach goods one of your department by troubling the support by the place.
2006-12-19 7:08 pm
1) 如果想話 : 唔係呀 ?? 無收過依份顏色記錄 !! 但係根據我地o既 record !! 我地真係已經係??/??寄左比妳喎 ~~ 唔該妳真係搵清楚d先 ~~因為我手上得返好細塊 col留底 ~~如果妳真係搵唔到 ~~ 我只可以張手上僅餘我寄埋比妳 ~~~
No, we had never received this color standard. However, accourding to our record, we have already sent the parcel to you, pls double check on your side as I have only a tiny piece of color standard on my hand. If you really cannot find, then I will have to share my piece with you.

2) 我地已經等妳o既回覆等左好多日啦 ~~因為一直收唔到妳O既通知 ~所以工廠一直無落訂單比供應商同埋已經停哂生產 ~~請知悉咁樣真係好影響個生產進度 !! 因為咁我地好大可能唔可以趕及按原先要求時間走貨 ~ 好大可能要延遲到新年後先可以走貨 !! 因為由 ??月??日 至到??月??日係中國農歷新年 ~~依段時間所以工人都會返哂鄉下所以唔會有人做野 ~~ 大概要係??月??日工廠先會開門再返工 ~~所以煩請盡早提供資料以便趕及貴司貨期 。

We have been waiting for your reply many days, because we have not received any advise from you, therefore factory didn't place any orders to supplier and all production is on hold. Pls note that this is affecting the process of the production in a great deal, due to this, we may need to request a delivery extension, and most possibly after Chinese New Year. Because from xxx to xxx is CNY, during this period, workers will be going to their hometown for holiday, and they will be back to our factory by xxx, therefore pls advise the needed information in order to rush out production.
參考: me

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