What can I get my wife for Xmas???

2006-12-18 10:57 am

回答 (17)

2006-12-19 11:18 am
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Just remind her you love her.....whatever you buy it's not the most important thing in the world...
2006-12-18 7:10 pm
You need to find out what would make her happy, and get her that. A true gift comes from the heart and is personal.
2006-12-18 7:04 pm
go and do all the grocery shopping
buy everyones presents and wrap them
take out all the yochi bits out of the turkey
stuff the turkey
get up christmas morning and do all the cooking
call her from watching tv when the dinner is ready
clean up the kitchen while she goes back in to watch tv
dont dig her in the ribs when she snores when you eventually get in to watch tv
if you have small kids fix all their toys when they get broke
stop kids from fighting all day
smile all day from the time you get up till the time you go to bed, no matter what happens
參考: housewife and mother of two
2006-12-18 7:03 pm
A new husband!! sound like she needs one as its only 7 days to xmas and you still aint got her nothing! haha
2006-12-18 7:35 pm
ask her to write down 5 things she wants.
get her a gift card so she get the right size or the right thing
something with her favorite color like a necklace, or candles
she would love the gift card, cause then she knew you cared. most guys go that way so they dont get into trouble. most ladies like candles so maybe get that too. and a card just from you. if she likes chocolates, get a small box. (ask her to write down 5 favorites, then it could be a surprise what kind you get her, but still ones she likes the most).
2006-12-18 7:22 pm
I find it a bit worrying that you're married to a woman and you don't know her tastes or what she likes- do you not pay any attention to her? Anyway, check her underwear drawer for sizes, go to a very expensive shop and buy her a lovely set (black is always good). Look at the bookshelf and see which authors she likes and which books of theirs she hasn't got. Buy her a favourite old film that she hasn't got around to buying on DVD. And diamonds always go down well.
2006-12-18 7:16 pm
A certificate to go to a spa with her friends.
2006-12-18 7:06 pm
all depends and what she like, if she reads pick a good book, if she been stress sent her to a spa, if she likes wine, buy a wine-cheese,crackers basket, if she likes lingerie, take her to somewhere special, like I said it all depends and what she likes and the most important thing your budget.
2006-12-18 7:03 pm
A warm smile and a lovely hug. Yr wife would definitely like it.

As far as material things are concerned, u could buy a fancy bag or a sandal(foot wear).

Dresses and ornaments are common gifts.
2006-12-18 7:00 pm
Tell her you're going to get her something big and awesome. Get her worked up and excited. Then, at the height of it, whip it out and let her have it good. She will be so turned on and so grateful to have you as a husband, she will break down in tears.

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