急~求mathematical induction題目

2006-12-19 7:23 am
有冇可以提供一D超難ge mathematical induction題目(比教科書的難,但要f.4程度)比我?

我聽日add maths test份卷會有D挑戰題,

回答 (4)

2006-12-19 8:26 am
✔ 最佳答案
You can try this

A 2 by n “chessboard” is to be covered by two types of tiles, 2 by 1 and 2 by 2. As an
illustration, four of the 21 possible ways of covering a 2 by 5 chessboard are shown
Show by Mathematical induction that the number of ways of covering a 2 by n “chessboard” by 2 by 1 tiles and 2 by 2 tiles is
1/3 (2^n+1 + (-1^n))

Hint: induction step is (P(k – 1) AND P(k – 2)) -->P(k).

It is a very tough MI question, can you please explain how to prove it step by step , please
2006-12-19 8:23 am

See Andy C.K.Ng 's answer above.

Below is a very difficult for F.4 level, you may take a look on it if you have time.
2006-12-19 7:38 am
你可以做一些Pure Math 題目

你也可以做返二十多年前A.Math 的題目,挑戰性己很高
2006-12-19 7:29 am

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