人有三急/急屎/急尿 唔知應該點講好D

2006-12-19 5:54 am

回答 (4)

2006-12-22 7:30 am
✔ 最佳答案
There are many ways to tell others you have to go to the toilet. Of course you would not be so rude to use the words *to urinate* or *to defecate* ; may be you don*t want to use the word *toilet* too. Here are some suggestions for you. You can say :
I would like to see john ( If you are asking for permission from your teacher during lessons, say: May I go to see john? ). The word *john* is an informal American vocabulary meaning *the toilet*.
I would like to go to the water closet ( *Water closet* literally means a small room where there is water supply. The abbreviation *WC* many of us are familiar of in fact stands for *water closet*, and it is the equilavent of *the toilet* )
The call of nature ( This is an idiom meaning the need to go to the toilet. According to Merriam Webster Dictionary, the definition of *call of nature* is to urinate or to go to the bathroom. It is often used in a joking way to politely say you have to go to the bathroom )
If you want to convey a sense of humour, use the call of nature. It may also indicate you are polite and educated. You can say *Excuse me, I'm feeling the call of nature*; you can also say *Excuse me, I have to answer the call of nature*. This term can be used both in conversation and in writing. In fact, someone has written a book on this for travellers : <The Bathroom Survival Guide. Going Abroad: a comprehensive guide to answering the call of nature anywhere in the world > by Eva Newman.

2006-12-22 19:57:45 補充:
「人有三急」是生理自然現象。It is NATURAL for living creatures to have the need to urinate and defecate 動物需要排泄是必然現象, 故此英文的 the call of nature 形容「人有三急」很貼切, 說起來不失大體兼具幽默感, 亦可以用於書寫。(曾見過有人把 the call of nature 誤譯為 “大自然的呼喚”, 很搞笑;這個nature與大自然無關, 緊記)

2006-12-22 20:10:37 補充:
I would like to see john 或 May I go to see john 的 “john”, 字母應該是小寫 ‘j’ 而非大寫 J。
2007-01-06 2:03 am
i asked a similar question before (but a serious one) and found that a student is supposed to say: may i be excused / may i use use the bathroom etc. to the teacher
2006-12-19 6:00 am
May I be excused =


D鬼佬話自己急屎急尿一般會講 "I'm in need"
再急d就 "I'm desperately in need''

男人急尿:I need to meet John.
女人急尿:I need to meet Mary.

另外 "Urinate" 呢個字實在太誇張、太專門,成熟的英文用家一定唔會用呢個字去講''屙尿''。
"屙尿'' : Pee "屙尿": Crap

用 May I be excused是最洽當的了。

2006-12-21 13:24:04 補充:
♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡樓主問 英文 ga~!!! 不是要你地答 中文 ar!!!!
參考: ID=7006032101041
2006-12-19 5:58 am
參考: ~自己~

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