Hilary Duff With Love

2006-12-19 3:35 am
有冇人有Hilary Duff 個首With Love既full length既版呀, 我得58秒個個版咋, 有冇人可以upload去rapidshare, megaupload之類既網度呀,,唔該丫^^~

回答 (1)

2006-12-21 4:38 am
✔ 最佳答案
Hilary Duff 個首With Love既full length 版 is not even out yet!!! There is no full length, just the 58秒, and it is just taken from With Love the commercial! And I am still waiting, all Hilary Duff fans are waiting, so wait for the full length!

2006-12-21 18:17:00 補充:
I've got a news on the release date of With Love the full length 版

2006-12-21 18:17:21 補充:
I just heard from a reliable source that the video/single is set to come out between mid January - beginning February. The only thing though is that they are planning on promoting this as the FIRST single. (Meaning they might treat Play With Fire as if it never existed)

2006-12-22 17:32:16 補充:
The song is released on 06 Feb 2007, it is a new news

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