
2006-12-19 3:29 am

回答 (4)

2006-12-19 7:08 am
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死了的海產食物何來需要medical document?

事實上,帶海產入香港境是沒有問題的,只要那些不是瀕臨絕種的物種. 但運送海產事先需要妥善的包裝,最好使用可密封的發泡膠箱,內裡放入乾冰,而箱必須妥善封好以免滲漏. 在check in時支會地勤人員,他們一般會指示你將貨箱帶住大型行李那處去處理. 但一般是要寄艙的,以免影響其他乘客.

<<翹首振翅>>內,就有一篇文章曾提及一位機師帶海產搭飛機回港. 我也經常在Sydney至香港的航班上見乘客帶海產回港.
2006-12-19 5:45 am
I don't think you can because the customs will think that you will sell them in the other countries.
2006-12-19 3:46 am
I think that it can
2006-12-19 3:42 am
No... You cannot bring them back to Hong Kong at all... Neither hand-carry or check-in luggages...
As crab are forbidden to be carried unless you have notifly the relevant airlines and also the crab have medical documents suggesting that they are safe to bring back to Hong Kong...
But it would take weeks for you to get all the revelant documents in order to bring your crab home... So I would suggest you not to bring any...
However, you can always try to smuggle them through with your check-in luggages... But I am not suggesting you to do so as it if you are found with crab without the relevant documents, you will be in deep trouble...

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