急急急,有冇人係air line公司做(國泰),我有d野想問呀,請入黎睇睇呀

2006-12-19 2:53 am
有冇人係air line公司做(國泰),我依家係澳洲,但係我本passport下年2月就到期,但係我就訂左2月幾機票返香港,但係因為我張id card係香港,所以唔可以係澳洲renew本新passport,所以我想知air line會唔會比我上機呢?我揸幾係BNO passport,many many thanks

我係澳洲已經申請左移民,而且已經批左,所以我依家有張臨時居留權幾visa係本passport度,所以我冇任何student visa 或者 working visa係手


我已經問過啦,冇id card我有passport都可以入到香港境,同埋人民入境事務處都話係air line幾問題,唔係入境處幾問題,thanks

回答 (4)

2006-12-20 3:03 am
✔ 最佳答案
Even someone here works in Cathay and gives you an definite answer, it still does not mean the staff in the airport will do the same.
I think now what you can do is:
1. Ask your familiy to send you your id card.
2. Ask 人民入境事務處 again, do it in writing or email.
3. Take the reply to the airline, show them that's what the HK government need. Get a definite reply from the airline in writing. Bring it with you when you depart.
2006-12-19 7:55 am
係你既舊問題我都同你講左唔關入境處事, 係 airline staff 既問題啦. 總之 airline 的指引係唔會比 passport 有效期少於 6 個月的人士登機的. 因為佢地唔會知道你是否已被當局取消國籍. 依個責任 airline staff 負責唔起. 而且你問 staff A, 佢話 ok. 亦唔代表係 sydney 既 staff 會比你上機的.
所以最簡單既方法就係請你香港的屋企人馬上 EMS / DHL 你既身份證過去澳洲. EMS 一份文件只係 100 多元, 第 2 日就收到, 亦可以馬上換 BNO. 好過你提心吊膽 2 個月
2006-12-19 3:19 am
你係揸BNO的話者係你係香港居民~~~~如果你係id card係唔比你入境~~~
正常你有BNO & id card你可以照可以比你入境的, 因為你手續係用BNO出境id card出澳洲境丫嗎~~~~你無id card咁你可以用乜入香港境呢~~~你過到國泰你都過唔到入境處啦~~~~

都唔關alirline事~~cx見你有brarding card就比你上機啦~~~check證件係入境處做丫嗎
2006-12-19 2:59 am
其實最好你問返果邊架國泰office, 因為我唔知你咩野situation, 你去讀書做野定去玩先, 唔同架!

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