什麼叫做 Callable ? 中文解釋又是什麼 ?

2006-12-19 2:50 am
什麼叫做 Callable ? 中文解釋又是什麼 ?

回答 (2)

2006-12-19 2:57 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. 可召喚的
2. 可先期償還的
3. 要求即付的(如貸款等)

*callable bond
0.可贖回債券 (全部或部分可被發行公司在限定的條件下, 在到期前買回的一種債券發行)
參考: yahoo
2006-12-19 3:00 am
Where is it used ?

There is an example, callable bond:

A bond that can be redeemed by the issuer prior to its maturity. Usually a premium is paid to the bond owner when the bond is called. Also known as a "redeemable bond".

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