Good books...

2006-12-19 2:05 am
I have to do a Eng. book report, can you please suggest some novels that are easy to understand and are suitable for doing book reports(that is, some touching or perceptual stories)which can arouse us thinking deeply)? Please don't suggest some very long novels or some simplified novels. I think a novel of about 300 pages is fine. Thank you.

回答 (4)

2006-12-28 4:07 pm
✔ 最佳答案
我之前都答過類似的問題, 等我介紹d比你. (再加少少comments)

1) Jane Austen 的 Pride and Prejudice (傲慢與偏見), Sense and Sensibility (理性與感性). 我唔太記得有幾多頁啦. 但我覺得Pride and Prejudice好睇d, 你可以睇咗P&P先! 如果你係個女仔, 真係應該睇下. 不過如果係男仔, 我就建議你睇其他啦!

2) C.S. Lewis 的 The Chronicles of Narnia (即係【納尼亞傳奇】) 之前的 *獅子‧女巫‧魔衣櫥*只係 The Chronicles of Narnia的第一本書. The Chronicles of Narnia總共有七本的. 七本合共有成本字典咁大本的!!!

3) J.K. Rowling 的 Harry Potter 系列. 暫時出了六本. 雖然大大本, 但好好睇, 唔會睇唔明! 本本都有番咁多頁的. 如果你之前未睇過的話, 我建議你由第一本開始睇, 好好睇的.

4) JRR Tolkien 的 The Hobbit , 佢可以算係 lord of the ring的前傳. 有the hobbit先有lord of the ring的.

5) Mitch Albom 的 The Five People You Meet in Heaven (在天堂遇見的五個人). 本書好有意思的, 英文唔深, 好好睇! 不過無300頁, 只有208頁. Albom 的另一本書 Tuesday with Morris都好有意思的. 但又只有192頁.

6) Shakespeare 的 Macbeth [ read | download ]. 我覺得個故事都幾可悲... 阿爸比個仔殺咗, 個仔仲同阿媽結咗婚...

7) Voltaire 的Candide . Candide的性格好阿Q, 本書講佢一生的歷險... 都幾好笑... 可以令你諗好多野... 係一本幾好的英國文學小說.

8) Meg Cabot 的 The Boy Next Door , 或佢的 The Princess Diaries 系列. Meg Cabot的書好輕鬆, 有趣. 都ok, 可以一睇! (適合女仔睇多d!)

9) Jostein Gaarder 的 A Christmas Mystery , The Solitaire Mystery , The Ringmaster*s Daughter, Sophie*s World , *Through a Glass, Darkly*都好好睇的. Jostein Gaarder的書關於人生哲學的, 但唔會難明.

10) 如果你鍾意science fiction, Frank Peretti 的 This Present Darkness , Piercing the Darkness , The Veritas Project: Hangman's Curse , The Veritas Project: Nightmare Academy , The Visitation , The Oath , Prophet , 同Monster 都好好睇. 我次次睇佢的書都停唔到手. 成日睇通宵!!!

11) Jackie Pullinger 的 Chasing the Dragon 都好好睇的. 講一個外國女人去九龍城寨到傳基督教福音. 真人真事, 好值得睇.

如果你想我再介紹你睇其他書, 你send個email比我啦!!!
參考: 自己睇過
2006-12-21 9:46 pm
George Orwelll's Animal Farm
2006-12-21 5:25 am
Clever Little Fairy ------------------------------------------------------funny+interesting
The Snowman ----------------------------------------------------------interesting
Christmas in Fabuland ----------------------------------------------funny+interesting
The Enormous Turnip ------------------------------------------------funny+interesting
Rapunzel -----------------------------------------------------------------interesting
Where we go ------------------------------------------------------------interesting
Pinocchio -----------------------------------------------------------------interesting
The Ugly Ducking -----------------------------------------------------interesting
Things we do -----------------------------------------------------------interesting
Cheeky Little Kitten --------------------------------------------------interesting

good for reading....

2006-12-20 21:27:57 補充:
each book is$2.50
2006-12-19 7:34 am
Here are some easy good books suitable for you as follows:
1. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
2. Louis Sachar's Holes
3. pride & prejudice , jane austen.
4. to kill a mockingbird , harper lee

參考: English lover

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