
2006-12-19 2:05 am
做網頁是否一定要flash file 及 登記網絡商才可以做網啦

回答 (3)

2006-12-20 9:12 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Flash file (SWF, Macromedia Flash Player file) is a type of animated image, you can insert it in your page or not, it will not affect your website. If you do not have Microsoft FrontPage or Macromedia Dreamweaver or Windows NotePad, you cannot do it.
If you want to upload the site, you need to do register on a broadband, or you cannot go on internet, even upload the site. If you do not have broadband, you still can do website, but only can be found on local workstation (Your own computer).
2006-12-19 2:18 am
做網頁不一定要flash file
參考: 個人知識
2006-12-19 2:09 am
你只要整到 d html files (e.g. by frontpage, dreamwaver, 或直接寫 html codes), 之後搵到個地方 (e.g. yahoo geocities) upload 上去就整到架啦.

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