Anybody help me~~how can I have a big improvement??

2006-12-19 12:15 am
I have a big trouble and I hope someone can give me some advices?
About October, I attended a job final interview
but afterward, it is no news from them.
Fortunately, a few weeks before, they called me back and reviewed the final in with me.
they said that my main weakness is spoken english.
so they would like to give me three months to improve my spoken english!!
So now, I need all of your suggestion!!
And I dont want to lose my second chances~~
Thanks a lot!!

回答 (4)

2006-12-19 12:29 am
✔ 最佳答案
Listen to English news everyday, (yes.. everyday). Read OUT newspaper article.

This will help with your listening English and give you more fluency on your speaking.

The main pronunciation problems for Hong Kong Chinese are usually that they can't pronunce L, R, N, and TH clearly.

three, free
kick, click
lie, nine
flick, frick
and the lists go on..

Try to read out the difference between the following pairs of words.

However, it is essential that you have someone to talk to in English to improve the convensational part.

Practises make perfect.. so keep practising.
2006-12-19 8:28 pm
Since you did not indicate which aspects of spoken English you need help with, I am going to give a more generic answer.

First, you should practice your pronunciation, intonation, and articulation. Pick a few articles from an English newspaper or magazine and pratice by reading aloud. Keep reading the same prose over and over until you become fluent. Once you feel comfortable, read the prose one more time, but make sure that you make a recording of it. Then, put the article aside and play back the recording; see if you can understand what you were reading. If you can, that would be a good first start.

Then, play the recording with a friend, family member, or teacher who has a good command of English. Ask for his/her advice. Focus on the words that you mispronounced or the intonation that you got wrong. Practice, practice, and practice more. Ask your friend/etc to see if you could record his/her reading of the same passage. Listen to that recording and observe the differences. Keep repeating until you find your recording is the same as that of your friend/etc.

By then, you should at least have acquired good skills in pronunciation. The next areas to look into are organization of contents and grammar. I would suggest that you try both at the same time. Pick a topic. Think for 5-10 minutes. Then talk freely for about 3-5 minutes. Record your speech, and then transcribe it. Look at the transcript and see if you have any grammatical mistakes. (Based on the English that you used in the post, you would probably need to work on this quite a bit. But -- don't give up!) Correct the mistakes and re-read the transcript again. Understand why you make those mistakes and make an effort to not repeat them again. Then, look at the transcript and see if someone else could follow your flow of idea. You can also give the transcript to your friend/etc for comments.

If you have friends/etc who are willing to talk to you in English, take the opportunity. Bring them out for lunch, tea, dinner, "siu-yeah" (the tap is on you, for sure!) and practice your English with them. There is no better way to learn spoken English than to actually speak with someone. Ask them to point out your mistakes. You may also want to record the conversations so that you can always review your English and see if you have made any progress.

Good luck!
2006-12-19 12:58 am
Spoken English is usually the weakest part of English learner.
Do you know why?
To be frank with you,

1 they never speak unless forced to do so in English class but it's seldom asked
2 they do not know much word or do not work well with grammar, so they couldn't do well in Oral which does require one's quick response
3 they do not create an speaking environment as what they've done is nothing more than complaining about a lack of such environment all the time

I sincerely advise you to:

1 from simple to complex, from lexis to discourse
speak well every single word first. Do not rush to speak a discourse. Focusing on every single word (pronunication, lexical meaning, collocation and usage) will help you quickly learn how to speak well at the sentence level within few months

lexis -> phrase -> sentence -> discourse

2 Everyday English

Learn life English in videos, songs, films... do not listen to news
Some sources for you:
RTHK programmes
BBC channel (soap opera, cartoon, edu. programme)
Radio (RTHK)
Story recording

3 Listen and speak; only native English

Only follow native English, do not learn from second speaker
Listen to a word and speak it; listen to a sentence and speak it.
After mechanical practice, use it freely and use it all the time
Listen to English all the time with your Mp3 machine when you wait for bus, walk on street or bathe
re-run it before you sleep

4 Speak to your self, your mirror

speak in this way of what you know and what you've learnt in English, look at your self in the mirror
self-correct and speak correct way

There're also many useful ways to speak well. Contact me if you like to know more: as I don't have enough space and time to type.
2006-12-19 12:30 am
if you want to spend no money and have some improvement in a short time, I guess you can read newspapers each day from now....I meant read it out but not in your heart.

Also, you can turn your TV channel from Chinese to English now, so that you can learn how to pronounces English distinctly and correctly.

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