send e-mail 搵工的問題

2006-12-18 11:22 pm
我而家用緊e-mail o既方法搵工,我想請問你地如果和我用同一個方法,你地attach完d cv and cover letter之後會唔會係個e-mail入面留d message...for example, 話你apply咩野post, contact no咁?

回答 (6)

2006-12-18 11:43 pm
✔ 最佳答案
我一般做法係只 attached CV, cover letter 就會係 email 入面寫. 再係個 subject 度寫明我係 apply 咩工. 例如 Application for Admin Assistant (Ref : XXX/XX :XX ) 咁可以方便收 email 果個人, 唔使開哂d attachement 先知係封咩 email.

我自己都會約人黎見工, 一份清楚既application letter , (唔好我請 Admin assistant 但係你份 cover letter 寫話見到我請 warehouse assistant? 好明顯係你之前果份未改, 唔小心!) 我係好大機會叫佢黎見既. 所以將心比己, 我都會寫清楚d 我份 application letter, 印象分都高d
參考: 自己
2006-12-18 11:48 pm
Unless it is a small company, the person who receives the email application will either be a clerk or a staff from Personnel. To be honest they wont care what you write in the email cos their job is to print out the documents and pass them onto the relevant dept/person. Having said that, you should always include the following info:

1. your name + contact no.
2. the job you are applying + reference number
3. what you have attached in the email

I would also include this: [ Please acknowledge receipt of this email and the attachments. ], so that you know the application arrived safely (although not everyone will follow this instruction... esp if they have hundreds of applicants).

Mind you sometimes they will print out the actual email msg as well so make sure the english is correct and use the right tone.

Hope this helps, good luck! :)
參考: myself
2006-12-18 11:44 pm
會架, 會寫簡單o既一封email, 話比人知您係send呢封野黎做咩架, 想apply咩post呀, 點聯絡您呀咁啦, 咁樣人地唔駛下下都要打開o的attachment 去睇點contact您嘛...

呢度有o的email example..


Dear Sir / To Whom It May Concern,

With reference to your advertisement on [media] dated [posted date], I am writing to apply for the position of [job title], [ref. no]

Please feel free to contact me by mobile phone XXXX XXXX, or by email XXXX@XXXX. I look forward to discussing my attributes with you at interview.

Yours sincerely,


Dear Sir / Madam,

I am writing to apply for the position of [jpb title] and please find attached of my cover letter and resume for your reference.

I would like to ask your kindly help to process on my application. I could be reached by mobile: XXXX XXXX, or email at: [email protected]

Yours faithfully,

2006-12-18 11:39 pm
因為一開個e-mail之後,如果見個e-mail咩都無,得d attach file,感覺上唔太好lor!
留d message,講番你的用意,咁會令到睇你e-mail的人會有意欲睇你attach的cv~
2006-12-18 11:37 pm
2006-12-18 11:34 pm
會簡單介紹下你呢封email係想apply咩post, 同埋可以隨時做面試. 仲會通知已經attach左份CV咁, 簡簡單單就ok.
參考: 自己

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