緊急!!唔夠point for an essay(20點)

2006-12-18 10:48 pm
plz help me to think some more points to prove the following points (1,2,3)
and answer me like
Point 1, xxxxx
Point 2.xxxxxx
answer anyone u like ,or i will be happi if u answer me all of them

Main title:Difficult to Quit smoking

Point 1,Peer Pressure is a popular reason that made people addicted to smoking....
Point 2,the smokers need to smoke because it pleasures them....
Point 3,Smoking is mighty additive because it contained a additive drug named nicotine....

回答 (2)

2006-12-19 11:09 am
✔ 最佳答案
你唔好咖意,你 point 1,2 都未貼題。題目重點是「難」,不是為何 smoke。

Point 1: The core cause for some people to start smoking is because they couldn't resist peer pressure. These people have difficulty dealing with social life and need to conform themselves to certain groups by smoking. They establish self-image, self-esteem with the help of the image of smoking. If they cannot overcome these psychological factors, it will be difficult for them to quit smoking.

Point 2: It is easy access, cheap and effective to gain pleasure, relaxation by smoking. It would be difficult to sacrifice or replace.

Point 3: A lot of American tobacco companies had already admitted that in order to keep their number of customers, they deliberately put in some very addictive chemical into the cigarettes. Also, they advertise their products targetting the young and female market to gain more customers as the old ones died (quickly of cancer.) When people start smoking, the growth of tolerance with nicotine will go hand in hand with the number of cigarettes intake; hence, more and more difficult to quit.

Points 4: As a habit to make them feel they are doing something when they are bored. It will be difficult to find something to replace this habit that makes them feel accomplished.
2006-12-18 11:46 pm
Main title:Difficult to Quit smoking

Point 1,Peer Pressure is a popular reason that made people addicted to smoking....

-->>point 1,
If all the friends smoking, it is easy for them to smoke, as it seems like they are a group, they may feel they will be isolated if they don't smoke.
If all the friends smoking, it is easy for them to smoke, as they willl think smoking is not a bad things. Also, they may think that many people can smoke, why can't they?
If all the friends smoking, it is easy for them to smoke, as they may want to be powerful in their group, they may want to show that they can do everything.

Point 2,the smokers need to smoke because it pleasures them....

some people may think smoking is good looking, as in some movie, those handsome star will smoke too, those smoker may be want to be as handsome as the star, so they smoke and when they are smoking, they feel they are just like the handsome star.
Also, young smoker may think they are independent when they are smoking, they may think smoking is a think that adult do, they are just like a adult when smoking.
some teenagers may want to resist their parents or their family, so when thay smoking, they feel happy as it is just like thay really can resist their parents.

Point 3,Smoking is mighty additive because it contained a additive drug named nicotine....

Firstly, cigarette have nicotine(尼古丁) that can make people to be addicted to Smoking, they will feel hard to quit it.

參考: 自己
2006-12-18 11:03 pm
Point 4 : smoking in workplace and among friends will reduce the motivation and support for smoker to quit smoking

2006-12-18 15:08:52 補充:
Point 5 : Smoker think it is VERY DIFFICULT to quit smoking as they have been smoking for ages. Not enough confident maybe one of the reason of their fail.

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