
2006-12-18 10:43 pm

回答 (4)

2006-12-18 11:29 pm
✔ 最佳答案
若要把整句「世有百樂, 然後有千里馬」譯為簡單易明的英文, 相信把用詞修改一下會較好, 大概是: "Even a great potential will remain a nobody unless there is someone who can recognize that potential." = 「除非有一位能洞悉那份潛能的人, 否則再好的潛質也會寂寂無聞.」

2006-12-21 13:57:10 補充:
依家先講免得有馬後炮之嫌: 就係 talent scout 曾經考慮過而不用, 因為真係有咁既職業, 尤以體育界和娛樂界最多; 但他們很多是受薪的, 後者亦多數只看表面和天份無關, 用 talent scout 我覺得狹義了, 但也不算是錯的說法.
2006-12-19 4:25 pm
First the talent scout, then the talent.
2006-12-19 3:14 am
There is happy hundred in generation , then there are winged steeds
參考: me
2006-12-18 11:36 pm
The world has hundred is happy, then has the splendid steed.
參考: me

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