
2006-12-18 4:53 pm
我想買部notebook用來畫建築圖則, 例如autocad, 但半工讀沒什麼錢, 想問下有什麼機又便宜又耐用呢? 買時要注意什麼呢? 我主要是在家用, 有cdr已足夠, 是不是hp機較好呢?

回答 (3)

2006-12-20 2:52 am
✔ 最佳答案
IBM的電腦當然好, 特別是notebook,
如果連IBM都不好的話那麼好電腦應該不存在了 ^^

IBM電腦質量很好, 而且價錢都幾合理,
不過呢IBM主打的其實是商務機, 你要看看那些機款是否適合你

順帶一提, IBM是最早生產PC(個人電腦)的, 稱為IBM-PC, 除了apple 電腦外, 現在我們用的電腦都是IBM-PC compatible, 即係和IBM-PC同一個系統的電腦, 詳情可以去wikipedia 找找.
IBM的個人電腦部早前已賣給Lenovo(Lenovo 是國內首屈一指的品牌), 現在IBM 係賣server 一類的東西, 應該唔適合你,
如果想買電腦可以買Lenovo 的, 她用的是IBM原來在日本的生產線和品牌, 質量相信會保持IBM 原來一樣高的水準.

試下去PCCW買呀!个到專買IBM D 電腦

Lenovo 3000 N100 T5500

HK$ 7,998.00

12 或 18 個 月 免 息 分 期


規 格

Intel® Core 2 Duo T5500 (1.66GHz)
512MB DDR2 RAM (667MHz)
100GB 硬 盤
DVD Multi-Burner
Intel® Pro/Wireless 3945ABG, 802.11a/b/g
藍 牙
14.1 吋 WXGA 液 晶 顯 示 屏
指 紋 識 別 器
4 合 1 讀 卡 器
內 置 網 絡 攝 影 機
Microsoft® Windows® XP Home (繁 體 中 文╱英 文 版)
2006-12-20 7:16 am
你只有呢部可以選擇,因為你一定需要部機有一張獨立的 Display Card
現時所有 Notebook 品牌以 Acer 做有 Display Card 既 Notebook 做得最好

Acer AS3103WXMi
AMD Sempron 3400+ (1.83GHz),
15.4"Wide screen XGA Acer CrystalBrite,
ATI X1300 w/64M,
512MB RAM, 120GB HDD,
8X SuperMulti DVD writer ROM, 0.3M Camera,
5-in-1 CardReader,
1yr International Traveling Warranty
Microsoft® Windows® XP Media Center Edition,

去電腦商場睇睇,應該都係 6000 幾咁上下﹗
2006-12-18 5:09 pm
Dear asker,

I have only one notebook moble to suggestion to you.
It's compaq (hp) computer

Presario V3000

HP Total Care is a lifetime support and services program that provides you with greater peace of mind.

The standard warranty features:

One year parts and labor coverage, including return of equipment to HP and authorized service provider options
One year of convenient 24 x 7, toll-free technical support in English or Spanish 1-800-652-6672 (1-800-OK Compaq)
One-hour e-mail assistance and real-time chat via a built-in notebook Help and Support Center
An easy-to-use Web site providing quick access to product diagnostics, FAQs, and top solutions
For software, 30-day replacement of defective application media and one year of toll-free technical assistance

To ensure the most enjoyment and best use of your investment, you can extend your HP Total Care warranty. Choose from one of these service Extended Service Plans:

1-year HP Accidental Damage Protection with Express Repair
2-year HP Express Repair
2-year HP Accidental Damage Protection with Express Repair
3-year HP Express Repair
3-year HP Accidental Damage Protection with Express Repair


I'm using this, u may choose this, it's very good!!

!!!!!!!!Only 5,600, cheap!!!!!!!!!!!

in Sogo 10/F, 5,600
u tell the sever to help u, let's he to do it ^0^

Have a good luck!


2006-12-18 09:11:23 補充:
AMD is good for using making map, picture and [email protected]
參考: My notebook, COMPAQ Presario V3000

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