
2006-12-18 9:42 am
1. 副詞
He's well handling it.
He's handling it well.
例如:The competition is perfectly finished.

2. 片語

第二題我想要一些片語例子,尤其香港人常用! 如:sit up解通宵,etc.

回答 (3)

2006-12-18 1:58 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. He's well handling it 有問題。當well字放在形容詞詞或動詞之前,它的意思由「很好」變為「非常」,如: He is well (=very/fully) aware of the situation; The steak is well done (=thoroughly cooked). 副前該放在動詞的後面,但是若你要突出副詞所補充的意思,你可以把副詞調至動詞之前。

2006-12-18 11:22 am
this is not going to be very helpful, but

he's well handling it

is grammatically INCORRECT. i don't know how to explain, but it is definitely wrong.
2006-12-18 9:55 am
1. the two sentences convey the same meaning.
According to traditional grammer rules, an adverb should be placed after an adjective being qualified. So, the 2nd sentence is more formal and can be accepted in formal writing while the former is fine is daily conversation and casual writing.

2. are you asking about this question in regard to English?
Please advice.

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