How to say no?

2006-12-17 9:34 pm
How do i nicely say no to a guy who is asking more of me than im willing to give in our currant situation. He is very persuasive and convincing and argues every point until im left with no reasons lol any help i would appreciate very much! plz keep in mind i dont wanna be mean .Grrr highschool is annoying lol

回答 (14)

2006-12-17 9:35 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Say no, then hug him for 4 seconds.
2006-12-18 5:57 am
Just say no!!! and be serious about it, don't smile, don't tease him. if he doesn't get it, get urself some1 else, that guy is a jerk, if he doesn't respect the fact that u don't want to do something he's not worth it.
2006-12-18 5:56 am
Tell him No. You do not have to make an excuse, reason, or explaination. it's your body, it's up to you to do with it as you see fit.

if he won't take no for an answer, dump him for someone with a shred of decency left in them. Remind him that if he will not stop when you say no, he is comitting rape... and Bubba is waiting to explain rape to him when he goes to prison.
2006-12-18 5:41 am
You don't have to give reasons why you don't want to do something. Tell him no and give him a hug. A little hug never hurt anyone. If that answer is not good enough then maybe, just maybe it's time to move. Just let him know that for now th answer is no. Good luck.
2006-12-18 5:39 am
Who says you have to argue on his terms? All you have to do is just say no. Over and over like a broken record. No matter what his point is, no matter what he says, all your response has to be is "no". No buts, or whys, or explanations, or justifications. Just no. You don't have to have a logical reason for your decision, you're a high school girl for gods sake. You are susposed to be illogical.
2006-12-18 5:38 am
High School.? Tell the guy to go take a flying leap off the stairs, that you are a descent girl and have no time for his constant harassment.
2006-12-18 5:38 am
you don't have to defend is don't have to explain it or justify it
2006-12-18 5:38 am
just say no, if he respects u, he'll understand, but if he is persuading u then he's just trying 2 be in control of u.
2006-12-18 5:38 am
say no thank you!duh
2006-12-18 5:37 am
Hello Dear....

If he "argues every point until you are left with no reasons", he is very likely either a master manipulator, or he is right.

If that leaves you in an uncomfortable spot, then you likely shouldn't see him anymore, unfortunately.


2006-12-18 5:37 am
get rid of him,save it for someone you like more
2006-12-18 5:37 am
just say it if he loves u he will let u go
2006-12-18 5:36 am
dont tease him just say no
2006-12-18 5:35 am
just open your mouth and say no.

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