有咩書有canon in d 同 夢中的婚禮

2006-12-18 7:08 am
有咩書有canon in d 同 夢中的婚禮?????

回答 (2)

2006-12-18 7:32 am
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Canon in D應該在三至四級學

Johann Pachelbel (1653 to 1706)

Johann Pachelbel began his musical instruction under Schwemmer and later at the Universities of Altdorf and Ratisbon. In 1671 Johann moved to Vienna where he became student and deputy organist to Kerll at the Imperial chapel. In 1677 he was organist for one year in Eisenach--the city of Bach's birth eight years later. The following year he moved to Erfurt, where his son, Hieronymus, was born. While in Erfurt he taught Johann Christoph Bach, Sebastian's older brother and guardian in Ohrdruf when the Bach parents died. In 1690 Pachelbel became court organist at Stuttgart. Two years later Johann took his final post, in Nuremburg. Johann Pachelbel's repertory is the stylistic ancestor of J. S. Bach's, particularly his technique of chorale variation.

Canon in D
This peaceful piece of music is among one of the most common track to appear in modern classical music compilation CDs. Actually Canon in D did not become popular internationally until the 20th century. Although he wrote a substantial amount of music particularly those for the organ, the great renown is limited to this track.
Canon is also employed in modern media very often, from music from TV commercials to featured in pop song, including Coolio's C U when you get there, and a number of cantonese pop songs such as彭羚 K歌之王 and Shine's祖與占, canon's 15634145 chord progression has also been employed in a huge amount of modern music.

帕海貝爾的D大調卡農(Pachelbel's Canon、Canon in D-major;德文標題:Kanon und Gigue in D-Dur für drei Violinen und Basso Continuo)是約翰·帕海貝爾最著名的作品,也是最著名的卡農樂曲。它作於1680年,是巴洛克時期的室內樂作品,採用數字低音手法,供三個小提琴演奏。它曾被改編為多個不同版本,供不同樂器組合演奏。它原有吉格舞曲伴隨,但現在很少演奏這段。
此曲一般的演奏法是以大提琴啟奏,三把小提琴間隔八拍先後加入。小提琴全部拉奏完全相同旋律,前後僅三段不同的旋律,每段僅兩小節的旋律供重複拉奏;大提琴從頭到尾也僅有兩小節,重複達二十八次之多。這段音樂雖然不斷迴旋往複,但其旋律之美不讓人覺得單調,反而感覺動聽悅耳。http://www.popiano.org/big5/piano/soft/269.htm 夢中的婚禮
http://www.popiano.org/big5/music/soft/50.htm 夢中的婚禮
2006-12-18 7:14 am
溫馨的旋律有canon in d (淚的卡農),全音樂譜出版社→柏斯琴行有售
理查●克萊德曼 第一冊有夢中的婚禮,全音樂譜出版社→好多琴行有售

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