
VIP 的全寫...................................

回答 (6)

2006-12-18 8:09 am
✔ 最佳答案
A Very Important Person, or VIP (pronounced vee-eye-pee) is a person who is accorded special privileges due to his or her status or importance.
Examples include celebrities, heads of state, high rollers, politicians, high-level corporate officers, wealthy individuals, or any other person who receives special treatment for some reason. In some cases, such as tickets to events, VIP may be used in a similar way to premium, and can be purchased by anyone. The term was first coined by the Royal Air Force in the second half of the 1940s.
VVIP (meaning Very Very Important Person) may indicate a level of status above VIP.
2015-02-03 12:47 am

我覺得比基金.股票.黃金.定存 等等 都還要穩

利息也算OK的網路投資 一次終身 希望你可以來看看 我的部落落~~

+我臉書~ 詳細可以加我好友

我有專屬臉書社團 還有很多不需要錢就可以賺到 的事業 也歡迎你歐
2006-12-18 6:47 pm
Just for joking:

2006-12-18 6:37 am
Very Important Persons
參考: me
2006-12-18 6:34 am
very important person
參考: myself
2006-12-18 6:34 am
very important person

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