駛乜咁惆悵! 買間平D樓咪得羅:
1. 樓價75萬, 2房一房, 地區荃灣, 10幾年樓(屋苑), 首期4萬, 佣金雜費2萬, 唔駛6萬蚊就可以入伙了, 供30年, 月供4004元(包抱按揭保險), 利率約4.5厘(同業拆+0.5%(上限P-3%), 咁有冇錢擺酒?
2.如果比多D, 樓價160萬, 2房一廳, 地鐵站樓上, 大型商場樓上, 大型會所, 暖水泳池, 大平台花園, 首期8萬, 雜費3萬, 11萬就可以入伙, 供30年, 月供8008元(包抱按揭保險), 利率約4.5厘(同業拆+0.5%(上限P-3%), 有冇得諗???
You are a single male, of course buy house first...........future marry or not , no one knows, but one thing for sure is........you need a house to live with.......no matter you are single or married.
Wedding feast or not is not a necessary, only 2 person matter..........also I can say now is the best time to buy property for self living