
2006-12-18 1:42 am
Limited edition means there is only a certain number of that species in the world. From time to time more of this species will be released (although it isn't very often) and you will have the chance to adopt one.

Otherwise you may be lucky and find one in the pound, or you may get hold of a morphing potion to turn one of your existing pets into the species you are looking for.


回答 (4)

2006-12-18 2:15 am
✔ 最佳答案
有限版手段那裡是唯一一定數量的那個種類在世界上。更多時常這個種類將被發布(雖然它非常經常不是) 並且您將有機會採取一。 否則您可以幸運和發現一以磅, 或您可以抓住向量式繪圖軟體的多形體混合物一服把您現有的寵物的當中一個變成您尋找的種類。
2006-12-20 5:18 am
有限版手段那裡是唯一一定數量的那個種類在世界上。更多時常這個種類將被發布(雖然它非常經常不是) 並且您將有機會採取一。 否則您可以幸運和發現一以磅, 或您可以抓住morphing 魔藥把您現有的寵物的當中一個變成您尋找的種類。
2006-12-18 2:00 am
http://babelfish.yahoo.com/ 呢個網有得翻嫁

2006-12-18 1:45 am
Limited edition means there is only a certain number of that species in the world. Dr.eye: 限量發行版表明在世界上只有若干那個種類。 From time to time more of this species will be released (although it isn't very often) and you will have the chance to adopt one. Dr.eye: 時而更多這個種類將是被釋放的(雖然它經常不是) 並且你將有機會採用一個。

Otherwise you may be lucky and find one in the pound, or you may get hold of a morphing potion to turn one of your existing pets into the species you are looking for. Dr.eye: 否則你可能是運氣好的並且在磅因方面找到一, 或者你可以獲得一改變的一劑把你的一個現有的寵物變成你正尋找的物種。

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