A meaningful christmas holiday

2006-12-18 12:59 am
A meaningful christmas holiday可以點作


回答 (2)

2006-12-18 12:15 pm
✔ 最佳答案
First, you can tell us what you did last year. You and your family might have spent a lot of money for Christmas shopping. Or your family had a big party with friends and relatives gathered together and had a wonderful time. Or maybe you went on an overseas trip and had a good time there.

Second, you want to do something different this year. You can explain why you have this thought. It might be due to an article you read in the newspaper (or a TV show you watched) that gave you a different view about Christmas. You now understand that Christmas is not only a time for gifts and parties. It is also a time for caring and sharing. You decided to do something more meaningful this Christmas holiday.

Third, you might have joined an organization to do some volunteer work with your friends or classmates. You are going to visit a senior home during the holidays. You are going to sing songs to entertain the old people there. You are now busy practising all the songs with the volunteer work team members. You are already making new friends there and you are having a lot of fun.

In conclusion, you feel so happy and excited about this holiday. You are asking more friends and even your family to join you with the volunteer work. You feel so proud of yourself. You are planning to do this again in the future Christmas holidays. You believe that this is the real kind of Christmas spirit that everyone should know.

2006-12-19 22:49:30 補充:
如果是我的孩子,我會教他先說聲謝謝,這是做人的基本禮貌。 此外,不是答案來得遲,應該是你問得遲。
參考: by myself
2006-12-18 10:21 am
possible things you may mention:

what you will / want to do, how you will that, and what results you would expect

good luck

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