有代表性的english 是什麼?

2006-12-18 12:21 am
有代表性的english 是什麼?

回答 (3)

2006-12-18 1:37 am
✔ 最佳答案
是 representative 或 epitomic.
A representative (noun) 是一位「代表」; representative 則是「有代表性的」. 用 typical 也無不可, 只是解為「典型」較合.
以下為 Webster 字典的釋義, 恕我沒空去翻譯成中文了:
typical [adj] 1. constituting or having the nature of a type 2a. combining or exhibiting the essential characteristics of a group 2b. conforming to a type
representative [adj] 1. serving to represent 3. serving as a typical or characteristic example
epitome [noun] 2. a typical or ideal example; epitomic/epitomical [adj]

2006-12-20 23:22:12 補充:
remarkable 不是有代表性, 單單 typical 已比其意義更接近. icon (adj. iconic) 卻還算可以, 不過也不及 representative.
2006-12-20 1:40 am
2006-12-18 12:28 am

eg : This painting is a fairly TYPICAL piece of the Art Deco.

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