
2006-12-18 12:19 am
想問一下服食抗生素一個療程, 有些人說3天, 有些人說5天, 究竟多少天才對?

回答 (3)

2006-12-18 3:09 am
✔ 最佳答案
2006-12-18 4:54 am
There are many different types of or antibiotic抗生素.and their uses vary with the bacteria infection concerned.It depends what organs are infected and what bactriia are found or suspected.
The course of antibitic varies from one dose only,yes one dose, to 4 doses daily for months.
It must be understood that antibiotic is good for bacteria infection only,not virus or worms or parasites.
Antibiotic is more likely to be successful in acute infection.A right antibiotic is likely to kill off most of the infecting bacteria in 24 hours with the patients showing gross improvement.It the patient is not showing improvement while on antibiotic,he is either
1.not having a bacterial infection or
2.not taking the right antibiotic,or
3.not taking his medicine as prescribed.

For example,for simple uncomplicated 'flu' or upper respiratory infections,if antibiotic is indicated,a trial of 3-5 days is commonly prescribed.
For lower repiratory infection like bronchitis and pneumonia,one week or more is not uncommon.

Almost any tissue or organs can get infected and their rightful antibiotics are also different.The old well known anti-TB treatment which lasted for as long as 2 years,with patient taking 12 dreadfully big $1 coin size PAS tablet and 3 months of daily steptomycin injection;now it is as short as 3 months with the new type of anti-TB medicines...
for superficial bacterial infections like in the eyes,skin,nose,ears,a cream or ointment may be used more effectively..
Oral medicine is prescribed when available for the 'not too ill' patients at home or at work to reduce school or work absenteeism but the more seriously ill ones may need hospitalisation for close monitoring and possibly injection treatment.
It is best you follow your doctors' order to get the proper antibiotic treatment.

We are the lucky generations.More and more anti-viral and antifungal medicines are available to treat internal viral infections,hopefully we soon have an effective one for Hepatitis B,乙型肝炎,a disease that affects every 1 in 10 of us.
The old Hong Kong foot took weeks of complicated treatment,now it is only days from full recovery.
We should pay our respect to the hard working medical researchers.
2006-12-18 12:46 am

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