
2006-12-17 11:39 pm

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2006-12-17 11:51 pm
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相傳唐朝元宵節(當時稱為"上元節")的時令食品為"面繭"和"焦譔"(音"賺")。面繭是一種外形似繭的一種麵食,而焦譔則是烤餅的一種,這兩種食品實為"實心湯圓",又叫"粉果"或"元寶" , 將糖放在湯裏一塊吃。這兩種食品在宋朝之後均不流行,代之而起的則是名聞遐邇的元宵,即現在的"湯圓"。
湯圓與舞獅、舞龍的球一樣,都是月亮的象徵物,吃湯圓含有祭月、賞月的意味。詩人周必大在《元宵浮圓子》就曾將月亮與元宵互喻:"星燦烏雲,珠浮濁水中"。還相傳1913年袁世凱因"元宵"與 "袁消"諧音,於己不利,下令改"元宵"為"湯圓"。此後湯圓之名也就廣泛流行開來了。


2杯水磨糯米粉,1/2杯熱水(即將沸騰的溫度),1/4杯冷水 。一杯=240cc。此份量約可做80小顆。



2006-12-23 5:47 pm
Tangyuan (Simplified Chinese: 汤圆; Traditional Chinese: 湯圓; pinyin: tāngyuán) or tangtuan (汤团; pinyin: tāng tuán), is a Chinese food made from glutinous rice flour. Glutinous rice flour is mixed with a small amount of water to form balls and is then cooked and served in boiling water. Tangyuan that has been filled with sweet or savory fillings are collectively known as yuan xiao (元宵; pinyin: yuán xiāo).

Different ways of cooking can be used, in Guangdong and Taiwan a sweeten soup is used; it can be either a soup made of sweetened red beans (Hongdou), or ginger and rock sugar.

Filled tangyuan (yuan xiao) can be filled with a wide variety of ingredients including red bean paste, chopped peanuts and sugar, sesame paste (ground black sesame seeds mixed with lard and sugar), rock sugar (which would create a hot, melting caramel-like filling), etc.

The food is eaten all year round, although it is commonly associated with the Chinese New Year, and the Lantern Festival.

Oshiruko(お汁粉), or shiruko (汁粉) is a traditional Japanese dessert. It is an azuki bean soup with mochi, served in a bowl. There are different patterns to oshiruko, such as oshiruko with chestnuts, or with shiratamas instead of mochi. It is loved by many Japanese, especially during cold weather. The half-melted sticky rice cake and the sweet, warm red bean soup is thought by many to be an absolute delight. Some Japanese-style cafes serve oshiruko with umeboshi as a side dish. This is because oshiruko is so sweet that the taste gets tiring after a while, so the customer can refresh their palate with the sour umeboshi.

Retrieved from "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oshiruko"

Tzap Goh Mei (十五尾; pinyin:shí wǔ wěi; lit. "fifteen tail") represents the fifteenth and final day of the Lunar New Year period as celebrated by Chinese migrant communities. The term is from the Hokkien dialect and literally means the fifteenth day of the first month.

It is the occasion of the first full moon of the New Year.

The occasion is marked by feasting and various festivities, including the consumption of Tangyuan. In traditional Chinese culture, it is also celebrated as the Lantern Festival or the Shang Yuan Festival. In Southeast Asia, however, it coincides with the Chinese Valentine's Day, when young unmarried women gather to toss tangerines into the sea, in a hope that their future spouse will pick it up - a custom that originated in Penang, Malaysia. In the past, this is also the only day that unmarried ladies can be seen with their partners.

Note that another festival, Qi Xi is also sometimes referred to as "Chinese Valentine's Day".
2006-12-18 12:09 am


What is The Moon Festival (Mid-Autumn Festival)
The Story of Fairy Chang E Drifting to the Moon
Gift Ideas for Family and Friends

The Moon Festival (Mid-Autumn Festival)

This year, the moon festival arrives on October 6th. It is the "Festival of Reunion".

Each year on the 15th day of the eighth lunar month it is the Moon Festival (Mid-Autumn Festival). It is thus named, according to the ancient calendar system, because the eighth lunar month is in the middle of the autumn (the season of the autumn consisting of the 7th, 8th and 9th lunar months) and the 15th day of the eighth lunar month (30 days for this month) is just in the middle of this month. Moon at the night of Mid-Autumn is believed the brightest, fullest and most brilliant. Chinese people also regard the full moon as a symbol of family reunion. Therefore, Mid-Autumn Festival is also called "Festival of Reunion".

Since the ancient people were in an early stage of understanding the nature and they could not interpret the shadowing phenomenon on the moon, so they invented some beautiful stories to place their wishes. All these touching stories simply make the Mid-Autumn Festival exceptionally enchanting and more poetic and picturesque.

There are corresponding food for many traditional festivals in China, such as the Yuanxiao sweet dumplings for the Yuanxiao Festival (or Lantern Festival), Zongzi (leaf-wrapped dumplings) for Dragon Boat Festival, braised cake for the Chongyang Festival (Double Ninth Festival). The traditional food for Moon Festival (Mid-Autumn Festival) is the moon cake, which dates back to the Tang Dynasty and people at that time initiated the custom of presenting moon cakes as gift to each other, showing their wishes for reunion. The round shape of moon cake represents the Chinese characters Tuan Yuan, which means reunion, telling the wishes of reuniting with family members at the time of Moon Festival (Mid-Autumn Festival).

Green Dumplings


1 1/2 pounds bok choy or Shanghai bok choy
1/2 cake firm tofu
2 egg whites
4 scallions, minced
2 teaspoons soy sauce
1 teaspoon minced garlic
1 teaspoon minced ginger
1/4 teaspoon sesame oil
2 dozen gyoza wrappers (or wonton wrappers cut into circles)

Steam or microwave bok choy until wilted. Let cool, then drain and chop finely. Press out any excess liquid.

In a food processor, puree tofu with the egg whites. Add to bok choy. Add scallions.

Combine remaining ingredients, except gyoza wrappers.
Add to bok choy mixture, mixing well. Place about two teaspoons of filling in the centre of each gyoza wrapper. Draw dough up and pinch together at three points to form a triangle, leaving middle of filling exposed.

Arrange on a heatproof plate or steamer tray and steam over boiling water until cooked through, about 4 minutes.

2006-12-18 12:05 am
相傳唐朝元宵節(當時稱為"上元節")的時令食品為"面繭"和"焦譔"(音"賺")。面繭是一種外形似繭的一種麵食,而焦譔則是烤餅的一種,這兩種食品實為"實心湯圓",又叫"粉果"或"元寶" , 將糖放在湯裏一塊吃。這兩種食品在宋朝之後均不流行,代之而起的則是名聞遐邇的元宵,即現在的"湯圓"。



湯圓與舞獅、舞龍的球一樣,都是月亮的象徵物,吃湯圓含有祭月、賞月的意味。詩人周必大在《元宵浮圓子》就曾將月亮與元宵互喻:"星燦烏雲,珠浮濁水中"。還相傳1913年袁世凱因"元宵"與 "袁消"諧音,於己不利,下令改"元宵"為"湯圓"。此後湯圓之名也就廣泛流行開來了。


2杯水磨糯米粉,1/2杯熱水(即將沸騰的溫度),1/4杯冷水 。一杯=240cc。此份量約可做80小顆。




2006-12-17 16:06:13 補充:

2006-12-17 16:07:57 補充:
參考資料: 相傳唐朝元宵節(當時稱為"上元節")的時令食品為"面繭"和"焦譔"(音"賺")。面繭是一種外形似繭的一種麵食,而焦譔則是烤餅的 Yahoo! 為首頁 你好!s91332581[ 登出|帳戶資料 ] 知識 主頁 常見問題 累積知識: 815,626 知識搜尋: 全部 發問中 投票中 新知識 進階搜尋 知識搜尋 進階搜尋 關鍵字: 90天內 90天以上 知識
參考: 相傳唐朝元宵節(當時稱為"上元節")的時令食品為"面繭"和"焦譔"(音"賺")。面繭是一種外形似繭的一種麵食,而焦譔則是烤餅的一種,這兩種食品實為"實心湯圓",又叫"粉果"或"元寶" , 將糖放在湯裏一塊吃。這兩種食品在宋朝之後均不流行,代之而起的則是名聞遐邇的元宵,即現在的"湯圓"。相傳唐朝元宵節(當時稱為"上元節")的時令食品為"面繭"和"焦譔"(音"賺")。面繭是一種外形似繭的一種麵食,而焦譔則是烤餅的一種,這兩種食品實為"實心湯圓",又叫"粉果"或"元寶" , 將糖放在湯裏一塊吃。這兩種食品在宋朝之後均不流行,代之而起的則是名聞遐邇的元宵,即現在的"湯圓"。相傳唐朝元宵節(當時稱為"上元節")的時令食品為"面繭"和"焦譔"(音"賺")。面繭是一種外形似繭的一種麵食,而焦譔則是烤餅的一種,這兩種食品實為"實心湯圓",又叫"粉果"或"元寶" , 將糖放在湯裏一塊吃。這兩種食品在宋朝之後均不流行,代之而起的則是名聞遐邇的元宵,即現在的"湯圓"。

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