本人安裝左router之後就玩唔到online game

2006-12-17 9:01 pm
本人安裝wireless router(本人的router係level one WBR-3406TX )之後, 我屋企人就可以用notebook 無線上網,之但係我部desktop 玩AOE 就玩唔到...個ip 就connect唔到同其他朋友一齊玩!先前個ip 係61.18.xx.xxx ,裝左router之後就192.1x.x.xxx ,點解會咁既!?
可能我真係唔係好識去set router了!!-.-

回答 (1)

2006-12-18 5:42 am
✔ 最佳答案
http://aok.heavengam es.com/cgi-bin/aokcg i/display.cgi?action =ct&f=3,35675,0, 10

If you have a router you will need to set the following ports "open&q uot; to play multiplayer with computers on the other side of the router:


28800-29000 (TCP)
2300-2400 (TCP)
2300-2400 (UDP)
47624 (TCP)

If you have a router the game's internal "What is my IP?" function does not work. It tells you the local IP your router assigns your computer instead of the WAN IP your router uses to communicate with the internet. To find your WAN IP go to http://whatismyip.co m/.

如果你host game個時,個game反映出的IP是Internat IP,你可以用呢個網找你倨真IP
http://whatismyip.co m

你的router BRL-04AX怎樣set,一定沒有一個人說的比offical manual的詳情
offical manual
http://www.ect.com.h k/upload/driver/BRL- 04AX_cht.pdf#search= %22BRL-04AX%22
page 19-21

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