我想問下希特拉 Hitler 點解會失敗? 20點

2006-12-17 8:09 pm
我想問下希特拉 Hitler點解會o係2次大戰到失敗?(呢條問題最重要)


中英文都得ga~請詳細回答~ thx =]

回答 (2)

2006-12-19 1:10 am
✔ 最佳答案
Outside the building in Braunau am Inn where Adolf Hitler was born is a memorial stone warning of the horrors of World War II.
Outside the building in Braunau am Inn where Adolf Hitler was born is a memorial stone warning of the horrors of World War II.

Since the defeat of Germany in World War II, Hitler, the Nazi Party and the results of Nazism have been regarded in most of the world as synonymous with evil. Historical and cultural portrayals of Hitler in the west are, by virtually universal consensus, condemnatory.

The copyright of Hitler's book Mein Kampf in Europe is claimed by the Free State of Bavaria and will expire in 2015. Reproductions in Germany are generally authorized only for scholarly purposes and in heavily commented form. The situation is however unclear; Werner Maser (whom Theodor Heuss proposed to publish "Mein Kampf" as a weapon against Nazi Ideology) comments that intellectual property cannot be confiscated and so, it still would lie in the hands of Hitler's nephew, who, however, does not want to have anything to do with Hitler's legacy. This situation lead to contested trials, eg., in Poland and Sweden. "Mein Kampf", however,is published in the USA, as well as in other countries such as Turkey and Israel, by publishers with various political positions.

The display of swastikas or other Nazi symbols is prohibited in Germany and political extremists are generally under surveillance by the Verfassungsschutz, one of the federal or state-based offices for the protection of the constitution.

There have been instances of public figures referring to Hitler's legacy in neutral or favourable terms, particularly in South America, the Islamic World and parts of Asia. Future Egyptian President Anwar Sadat wrote favourably of Hitler in 1953.[18] Bal Thackeray, leader of the right-wing Shiv Sena party in the Indian state of the Maharashtra, declared in 1995 that he was an admirer of Hitler.[19] Much of the positive or neutral attitude towards Hitler may partly be because many of these countries were colonies of Allied Powers who were fighting Hitler-led Germany.
2006-12-17 8:12 pm
一個被稱為”二十世紀最邪惡”的人,他的事跡嚇壞了歐洲 –英、法以及德國大部分的人民多不願正視他, 草率地以他犯下企圖種族滅絕的滔天罪行來總結他, 并辱罵他的稱霸野念, 除此之外, 似乎要把他在歷史上隱藏起來。如果再提起他難免鉤起英、法的喪權辱國之恥, 把他們曾經征服世界雄風一掃而空, 德國為著歐洲睦鄰的友好,或者是真讖悔了,希特拉遂成為了千夫所指的罪魁。他們這樣抬舉他, 不禁引起更多人對他的興趣, 決定弄清這段歷史, 延陵科學綜合室便是其中一員,研究發現:間接把希特拉這位罪惡昭彰的戰爭狂人搬上歷史舞台上,居然是英、法和前蘇聯。

二十世紀初, 以英、美、德、法、俄、日、意、奧的八國鐵蹄在中國首都肄意蹂躪,這群鷹視狼顧的傢伙不久內鬨, 第一次世界大戰德國戰敗之後,被與她狼狽為奸的同穴姊姊的英法欺凌, 她的命運比當時的中國更悲慘,希特拉就是在這個年代出現, 他以德意志民族精神作號召,撕毀《凡爾賽條約》, 并建立極強大的軍事勢力, 以閃電之勢橫掃歐洲, 所向披糜。馬其諾防線的不堪一擊使法國投降, 英國因死撐而被狂轟亂炸,這對賊姊妹也許做夢也沒想到會落到如此田地。雖然希特拉以失敗告終, 對於英法來說, 國土曾慘遭蹂躪的歷史畢竟是極不光彩,她們是愈是要禁止人們回顧希特拉,卻愈引起其國內外人民的興趣, 對中國而言,受希特拉的破壞很微, 我們更要客觀地探討這位被譽為”希魔”的殺人王的出現及環境的影響以至暴戾人格的形成, 雖然這是本室一家之言,但亦可給同好多一份參考。

不欺凌別人是防止報復的最佳方法, 黷武的結果必會蘊釀混世魔王的掘起!到了廿一世紀的今天, 希特拉的”魔力”似乎仍存作祟, 迫使政客不絕於口, 最近香港有位政治低能兒以希氏作雄辯依據卻引意失喻而惹人笑柄,而美國總統則以希氏來形容被他以借口強攻的手下敗將薩達姆, 但是他似乎沒有絲毫反思的邏輯,殊不知自己才是希特拉, 美國變成了納粹德國!

全世界的人民必須當心有潛能成為”廿一世紀希特拉”的心人物或國家的坐大, 祗要制衡她的拓張, 在可見的將來, 人類方能繼續在這個星球上繁衍下去。

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