
2006-12-17 10:02 am
Also, the ice cream melted before it reached our plates and the waitress claimed there was none left so l suggest you to check your stocks more careful “ assuming that the waitress was told the true”

One of our parties of fourteen was extremely illness the next day. She had eaten a fish curry and my bread arrived minutes too late and my seafood dish was tasted badly.

回答 (3)

2006-12-17 11:56 am
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Also, the ice cream (had) melted before it reached our plates. (The) waitress claimed there was none left so l suggest (that) your (should) check (the) stocks more (carefully) (,) “assuming that the waitress was (telling) the (truth)”(.)

One of our (party) of fourteen was extremely (ill) the next day. She had eaten a (dish of) fish curry(.) (My) bread arrived (-不要minutes too但亦可以用, 請加上數量-) late and my seafood dish (had) tasted badly.

有改的已在( )內. 未能highlight或underline, 不好意思. 因為不知道第一段是不是一個對話, 所以改成general一些. 看起來好像是一封complaint letter呢.
2006-12-17 1:09 pm
Case 1:
MOREOVER (rarely use " also " as beginnings for formal English), the ICE-CREAM (should have " - " between) MELTED (if it was melted totally) OR WAS MELTING (if it has melted a little bit, and was still melting more) before it reached our plates. (should have a " full stop " here) UNFORTUNATELY (expressing the sad feeling), the waitress claimed THAT (you may add " that " here) there was none ICE-CREAM (use the whole word again for clearer expression) left, (need a " , ") so I SUGGESTED __________ [I have a question here, who was this " you " you are referring to? If you meant the waitress, you can say: THE WAITRESS to check THEIR (means the restaurant) STOCK (no " s " is needed) MORE CAREFULLY (or you may use " ONE MORE TIME "), IN CASE (using " assuming " is not quite appropriate) SHE (no need to use " the waitress " again) MADE MISTAKES (" was told the true " would imply she was telling a lie intentionally, which I think that's not the case).]

Case 2:
One of our PARTY GUESTS, A GROUP OF FOURTEEN PEOPLE, was extremely ILL the next day BECAUSE she had eaten CURRY FISH (if you are sure the only food that caused her ill was the curry fish). MY BREAD (no " and " at the beginning) arrived A FEW MINUTES LATER and my (or " THE ") seafood dish TASTED REALLY (or " VERY ") BAD.
2006-12-17 10:45 am
1. melted --> has melted
careful --> carefully
was told --> was telling
true --> truth

2. illness --> ill
a fish curry --> fish curry
was tasted --> tasted

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