
2006-12-17 8:46 am
我見有d人話住係美國好悶, 究竟點解呢??

回答 (2)

2006-12-19 8:12 pm
✔ 最佳答案
If you are a student, you should probably spend most of your time studying. Hehe.

Life in America is much simpler than in Hong Kong. Restaurants and stores close earlier than the ones in Hong Kong.

Stores usually open 10am-9pm Monday-Thursday, 10am-9pm Friday and Saturday, and 10am-6pm Sunday. So, if you love shopping, you may be frustrated about why the stores close so early on weekend.

Public transportation is very limited in America, except big cities like New York or San Fran, etc. If you do not have a car, you probably will feel trapped.

If you are under 21 years old, you are not allowed to drink alcohol, so most likely you cannot enter any club or bar. So, there is not much night life.

If you like watching TV (Lost, Prison Break, 24, etc.), you may feel less bored here. But new porgrams start from September and end in December (or has a break in December), then January to May, but only one episode per week. Those are re-runs during other time.

If you love sports, then you have much more choices here. A lot of cities have bike paths. Parks and health clubs are everywhere.

If you like travelling, you can visit different places on weekends or during school breaks. You can take road trips with your friends. If you do not have a car, you can rent one, but it will be more expensive if you are under the age of 25.
參考: I was a student without a car in America.
2006-12-20 12:40 am
返學果陣都OK喇,呢杜有好多唐人,所以都几易MAKE FRIENDS.
放學咪同D FR 去圖書館悌下書;去打下波甘羅;呢杜都好多球場嘎。
WEEKEND 咪返工做兼職羅。夜晚或假期,我就中意去唱K。D K場越開越多,而家淨系唐人街就有5,6間。
不過講真,呢杜地方大,冇部車真系好五方便。都真系几悶嘎,D店鋪都好早刪門,除了唱K 同落D,都冇咩好娛樂嘎喇。

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