Is it legal for minutemen to shoot illegals crossing the border?

2006-12-17 6:08 am
and if it's illegal why the hell do they carry guns.

回答 (26)

2006-12-17 6:14 am
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No it isn't legal to shoot them without cause.
2006-12-17 6:10 am
Murder is illegal. It may be legal and/or necessary for them to carry weapons for self defense from angry illegals or pro-illegal immigration activists.
2006-12-17 6:10 am
Yes it is, but they carry guns for self defense. There's plenty of violent criminals crossing the border, who are armed.
2006-12-17 6:10 am
No it's not, they carry guns to protect themselves, and because they can in AZ....
2006-12-17 6:09 am
It is illegal for them to shoot them unless they are attacked first. That's why they carry guns, to protect themselves.
2006-12-17 8:59 am
They should be able to. Our crappy government has done absolutely nothing to stop illegal immigration. In fact, they encourage it by giving the illegals all the wonderful incentives to come here in the first place. If we started shooting them as they crossed the border the word would spread and the illegal tide of immigrants would slow drastically once they knew we were no longer playing. Right now they're laughing at us.
2006-12-17 6:13 am
What kind of a nut are you, next you'll be on here telling us you saw flying pigs.--------- if they do have guns its that the drug runners are very well armed.
2006-12-17 6:12 am
If any of the minutemen shoot a illegal they need to go prison
2006-12-17 6:23 am
no. good point.
2006-12-17 6:18 am
Last I checked it is unless it's Self Defense.

I think they should be allowed to shoot em though or even allowed to Microchip em and drive em back down to the deepest South of Mexico.
2006-12-17 6:21 am
There is not one thing wrong in carrying a gun out in the open. Not where they are. Not with what they are doing. Concealed weapons are illegal. That is what hoodlums and crooks do. They walk into a business establishment and pull a gun out of hiding on the clerk. That is always wrong. I think the younger generation has gotten squeamish. Or at least confused. I personally think everyone should have to take a gun usage and safety class. It is illegal to shoot anyone. That is for police. But a gun hanging on their hip is a good deterrent to those they stop. Come on people get real. This is part of defending our country.
參考: life
2006-12-17 6:16 am
no, shooting is a homicide, possibly a murder
2006-12-17 12:07 pm
Minutemen! There's what we need. Grab the Winchesters and mount up boys! WWWOOOOO!!
2006-12-17 6:17 am
There are more illegal than the Mexicans immigrants, no heart, no compassion, just kill, kill, like murders, all of them should be put on jail.
2006-12-17 6:10 am
YES!!!? Because the illegals are tress passing.
2015-02-04 3:27 am
Point of contention. If illegals are allowed to cross our borders without fear of being shot, what s to stop an entire army from crossing over into America unimpeded? Illegals are invaders, not immigrants! There are instances where illegals are forcing American ranch owners off their land so, who s more important, the illegals or American citizens? I really don t care what Obama says, if they try to play that game with me, I won t need ranch fencing, I ll just pile up their bodies and create my own "natural" fence!
2014-08-08 12:15 am
yes. what they do is illegal in the first place. erect more warning signs and PA systems to forewarn anybody attempting to cross will be shot. shooting can deter more from swarming the border.
2006-12-17 9:30 am
Weren't the minutemen shooting Mexicans INSIDE of Mexico? Because I cannot explain the reason behind that.
2006-12-17 6:47 am
Well there are a lot of snakes out there where they are at
2006-12-17 6:13 am
I think it's legal. I watched a show on MSNBC that showed the life of a minuteman, and they shot a Mexican trying to sneek over and killed it! It was AWESOME. But it was also smuggling drugs.
2006-12-17 6:19 am
It is illegal to shoot any human without a trial. If a Known Suspect that has been Charged is fleeing, then a Properly Authorized Official may fire, but even that is oft times wrong.
They are carrying guns so that they get more Publicity, more publicity=more $.
Did you donate any money to them yet.
2016-11-14 7:09 pm
It's legal according to the second amendment
2006-12-17 3:49 pm
I sure would vote yes!
2006-12-17 12:27 pm
It should be legal for them to shoot.

That is probably the only way to stop them from their massive invasion of our border states.
參考: San Diego resident
2006-12-17 6:13 am
It's illegal if it wasn't in "self defense"
2006-12-17 6:20 am
Guess what dummies.Pro-illegals can also carry weapons.Hey some of us can even read.

All states have their own regulations.Pointing a firearm at anybody by a civilian is against the law.
In Texas a handgun can be carried but it must be concealed. A permit is needed.

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