GeoCities Service Closure Notification ???

2006-12-17 7:54 am
Usage of your Yahoo! GeoCities account was recently identified to be in violation of the GeoCities Terms of Service, and the site and GeoCities account associated with Yahoo! ID have been closed.

回答 (1)

2006-12-17 2:39 pm
✔ 最佳答案
咁你要 check 下你個 Geocities 入面個 index.html 或者 index.htm 寫左啲乜, 會唔會一開就去左第二個網頁或者 set 左條 hyperlink 响你個首頁係指去其他商業網頁, 因為佢講到明係你個 home page 有問題, 加上 Geocities 原意係提供「個人網頁」服務, 你攞去做商業網頁就有可能觸犯佢地嘅規條

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