
2006-12-17 7:19 am
剝牙後個傷口要痛幾多日? 剝左隻牙同割左牙瘡, 個傷口都幾大, 剝完仲係痛, 一般要過幾多日至唔痛? thanks

回答 (4)

2006-12-17 8:11 am
✔ 最佳答案
市面上有一些漱口水專給脫牙後用, 可以消炎,止痛, 止血, 除臭..等作用.
你不防去藥房問下, 而我上次是牙醫開的.

另外你可以去藥房買一些專給脫牙後用的消炎止痛藥(記住要食飽嘢先至食, 以免傷腸胃)
平時可以冷敷, 如用冰袋, 凍汔水按面,這樣可以減輕痛楚.
2006-12-17 5:02 pm
normally in my experience, only 2 day........
but I saw some patient have pain for 1 week...........some will be 2-3 days......
if you still pain after the day 3, you should call the dentist and ask them you need to take some pill or not........

To help the would heal faster, use 1 teaspoon of salt to a glass of water (250ml)........
use the salt water to soak and gentle split out......dont use force in rinsing.......other it will bleed again........you can use salt water 3-4 times a day.......help to reduce inflammation of the would.......then your pain will reduce quicker.......

Hope its help!!
參考: I am a dental assistant
2006-12-17 7:58 am
參考: 脫智慧齒經驗
2006-12-17 7:29 am
參考: Me經驗

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