人狼戀 - 主題曲的歌名

2006-12-17 7:03 am
請問一部很舊的電影( 人狼戀~主題曲 )

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2006-12-17 7:21 am
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電影《人狼之戀》主題曲. 原演唱者:約翰尼·馬蒂斯(Johnny Mathis). 是美國五十到八十年代非常著名的黑人流行歌手 ... 我下來聽了《 When a child is born 》《当一个孩子出生的时候》,也有人称《当婴儿降生时》,是电影《人狼之恋》的主题插曲
歌曲有很多的版本,Johnny Mathis这个版本可以说是最经典的。且来聆听这首神圣,传奇,静谧的歌! )]
When a child is born《当一个孩子出生的时候》

A ray of hope flickers in the sky一道希望之光,在空中闪耀
A tiny star lights up way up high一颗微星照亮了天上的路,
All across the land dawns a brand new morn,

This comes to pass when a child is born.这都是因为一个小孩的诞生
A silent wish sails the seven seas无声的愿望航过七海
The winds of change whisper in the trees转向的风在树梢呢喃
And the walls of doubt crumble tossed and torn,猜忌之墙崩塌倾圮
This comes to pass when a child is born.这全是因为一个小孩的诞生
A rosy dawn settles all around到处都充满了红光
You got to feel you"re on solid ground你感觉到了,你站在坚硬的土地上
For a spell or two no one seems forlorn在这段期间,似乎没有人孤单
This come to pass when a child is born.这全是因为一个小孩的诞生
(Spoken) and all of this happens because the
world is waiting.waiting for one child,

black,white,yellow,no one knows,是黑是白还是黄?没有人知道
but a child that will grow up and turn tears但小孩会长大,将泪水化为欢笑
to laughter,hate to love,war to peace,将仇恨化成爱,战争化为和平
everyone and everyone"s name,使四海成一家
and suffering will be words to be forgotten forever.

It"s all a dream, an illusion now.那是一个梦想,一个幻象
It must come true some time soon somehow但未来很快就会实现
All across the land dawns a brand new morn

This comes to pass when a child is born.这全是因为一个小孩的诞生


2006-12-17 7:08 am
When A Child Is Born

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