Phy about energy question

2006-12-17 7:00 am
A statement claims: Heating must cause increase in internal energy of a substance.

But in the case of isothermal expansion of ideal gas

change of internal energy can be equal to 0 no matter heat transfer is postive or negative, so the above common sense statement can prove to be wrong?

回答 (3)

2006-12-17 7:14 am
In the case of isothermal expansion, there is no change in temperature.
P1V1 = P2V2 = costant
No matter heat transfer is +ve or -ve, no change in temperature means no change in total kinetic energy of all the molecules.
2006-12-17 7:12 am
Prove 佢 wrong 其實就好易架姐,,

temperature 升 or 跌都會令到 kinetic energy change 既..

但係,, temperature change also 可以令到 potential energy change,,

你應該知道,, internal energy 係由 potential energy 同埋 kinetic energy 組成既,,

所以如果 kinetic energy 既轉變 equal to potential energy 既轉變,,

咁姐係話即使有 temperature change, internal energy 唔會變啦 ! ! !
參考: Myself
2006-12-17 7:08 am
A statement claims: Heating must cause increase in internal energy of a substance.

But in the case of isothermal expansion of ideal gas

change of internal energy can be equal to 0 no matter heat transfer is postive or negative, so the above common sense statement can prove to be wrong?

聲明宣稱: 給原因(事業)加熱必須增加物質的內部能量(能力)。

但是, 在內部能量(能力)理想氣體變化的恆溫過程擴張(膨脹)情況下可能等於 0 沒有物質(事情)熱轉移(傳送)是郵寄或者否定的, 所以上面所述常識聲明能夠(結果)證明錯誤嗎?

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