
2006-12-17 6:45 am
經過一番計算,我們知道 i^i ( i 的 i 次方) 為實數。那麼,i^i 是有理數嗎?

( i^i = e^(-pi/2) ~ 0.20788 )

回答 (3)

2006-12-17 2:05 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Firstly, I should say sorry to you that I have posted a wrong answer to you at the link below:

Therefore, you should be more careful to my answer: :>

In fact, we have much more stronger result by the theorem in the reference below.

i^i is TRANSCENDENTAL and hence this is NOT a rational number.

A complex number is transcendental if it is not algebraic.
If an number is algebraic, then it is a root of non-zero irreducible polynomial with rational (or integral ) coefficient(s).
Hence, every rational number is algebraic.

The following link has more about transcendental number.

I end up at here with the link of the reference book below.

2006-12-17 06:57:11 補充:
i is an algebraic number since i^2 +1=0

2006-12-22 01:20:57 補充:
Actually, the answer of 無知少年 is exactly correct. However, if we restricted the argument, then there is no more problem.Then, it remains to identify whether e^(-pi/2) is transcendental or not. If we just look at this form, we almost have no any information.

2006-12-22 01:30:14 補充:
However, if we switch the number into another form, i^i , this is totally different picture. The complex number i, is a root of the polynomial equation x^2 +1=0This means that i is algebraic since all the coefficients are integers.

2006-12-22 01:33:00 補充:
Now, by Baker Theorem , i^i is transcendental since, if we consider the power term,1 and i are linear independent over the field of rational numbers.You see!! The key is the POWER term!! This must be an algebraic number other than rationals.

2006-12-22 01:37:18 補充:
It is obvious that the rational power of algebraic number is , of course, algebraic. However, if it is not rational, then Baker Theorem tells us that it is transcendental if the power term is algebraic other rational.

2006-12-22 01:38:18 補充:
SORRY............term is algebraic other than rational.

2006-12-22 21:04:47 補充:
SORRYIt is sufficient to use Gelfond–Schneider theorem only.Baker Theorem is a more generalized theorem.I am sorry that I used to refer Baker Theorem.

2006-12-22 21:05:12 補充:
參考: Transcendental Number Theory, by Alan Baker, p11, (Theorem 2.4)
2006-12-17 7:09 am
參考: 自己
2006-12-17 7:00 am
Sorry, I can't reply that question with a definite proof right now, my bet is that most likely it is NOT, by my instinct . But I would really like to ask the previous person who replied this question as claiming e^(-pi/2) as rational (i.e. can be written as p/q where p, q are both integer), is it possible for you to provide me the p and q that you have found?

2006-12-20 20:26:55 補充:
貓朋 - 可以解釋清楚少少點解e^(-pi/2)是超越數嗎?

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