Form 4 (Demand & Supply)

2006-12-17 6:36 am
What would happen to the wages of garment workers in Hong Kong if some garment workers are attracted by the higher wages of tertiary industries and they thus change their occupations?

我畫左一幅quantity demanded既圖之後個price上升左,個quantity少左,但係唔岩,點解既?

回答 (2)

2006-12-17 10:33 am
✔ 最佳答案
Since garment workers are attracted to switch their jobs, supply for garment workers falls. Given a download sloping demand curve for garment workers, wages for garment workers rise while quantity employed falls.
2006-12-18 6:23 pm
labour supply of garment workers drops

supply cruve shifts left

price increases
quantity transacted drops

supply decrease 左
price of coz increases

點解唔arm ?!
參考: me@hk

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