
2006-12-17 4:12 am
You are the shop ownr of convenience store .Write a letter to the school principal of a school neae your shop,telling him some of his student fought in your shop and damaged some goods.You should also ask him for compensaion also.


回答 (3)

2006-12-17 8:27 am
✔ 最佳答案
The following letter is done for your reference only :
XXXX Convience Store
( Address )
( Tel & Fax )

The Principal ,
XXXX Secondary School,
(Address )

Dear Principal,

As a owner of XXXX Convenience Store near your school, I have to write to you because four / six students of your school have damaged some goods which cost HKXXXX in my shop. The damaged event happened at about XX AM/ XX PM on ddmmyy . The four /six male students wearing your school uniforms often buy some bottles of soft drinks and some food from my shop at the lunch time three or four times per week . In the afore-said morning / afternoon they came to my shop as usual but suddenly they begin fighting because of having a conflict amoung them . As a result, a lot of goods and food fell out of the shelfs and some goods and food were damaged . As they ran away very fast after fighting for a while , it was impossible for me to ask them for compensation at that time .
In consideration of your students' future , I dont want to report this matter to the police but I ask for your settlement by getting compensation from them not later than ddmmyy. Enclosed herewith please find a price list of the damaged goods and food .
I am looking forward to hearing from you soon .

Yours faithfully,


2006-12-17 00:31:49 補充:
Sorry for the typing mistakes : As a owner of --------> As an owner of
2006-12-17 9:12 am
你可以寫信到那間學校投訴他們的學生打架, 叫他們注意學生的行為,以免影響校譽, 但是要學校或校長賠償便沒可能了, 校長怎知打架那件事是真還是假, 也不可能對每個學生在外面的行為負責的, 就算你報警校長也不會也不用賠償, 所以你只可寫投訴信而不可以要求賠償, 如你想有賠償你就要報警了, 由警方拉人, 告上法庭, 然後由法官判決.


2006-12-17 01:17:03 補充:
你可要求校長代你向那些破壞你店內貨物的學生追討賠償, 如不賠償便報警處理, 但絶對不是向校長追討賠償.
2006-12-17 4:22 am
佢咁講即係話要投訴,first你寫上款,then表明你嘅身份,再同佢講喺你間鋪發生嘅事,話希望可以好好教下佢就ok ga la!

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