中四-中五 化學科課程問題

2006-12-17 3:55 am
我想問而家中四至中五化學科課程 主要係讀咩呀 有冇分中文同英文兩樣 如果有 我想要既係英文 我係文科既 好想係會考個時 報化學科考 唔該 !!!!

回答 (2)

2006-12-20 3:21 am
✔ 最佳答案
我係文科既 好想係會考個時 報化學科考 I highly reccommended you to do so and if I were you I will take biology as well so that you can choose pharmacy and medicine to study. There are several books I recommend to you.
For chemistry.
book called "Modern view chemistry written by E Cheng and J Chow , a very good book for you to read and study. If calculation of mole and electricity are required, buy a calculation book also published by them.
exercise: buy books written by CY Tong. If you know how to do his exercise, getting a C grade or above is not as difficult as you think. Besides doing past papers for at least 10 years is recommended. Ask some intimate teacher teaching you art subjects to copy chem. Marking scheme for you.

For biology, buy book written by YK.To called 恐龍書,有隻恐龍在書面,所以叫恐龍.
For execrise : MC equestion book written by YK.To also. It has a detailed explanation why this is the answer to the question.
For long question: buy a book called tackling problem in biology also written by YK To. The answers are written in marking scheme format so that you can how not only the mark distribution but also the answering technique.

For syllabus visit this website http://www.emb.gov.hk/index.aspx?nodeID=2824&langno=1

2006-12-19 19:22:12 補充:
Whether you can attend the exdamination or not, you had better ask you teacher or principle directly and aslo call 28349922 for details.
2006-12-17 3:59 am
如果你係文科 你既學校就應該就唔會幫你報化學科

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