✔ 最佳答案
我中五畢業,之後讀完聖心商科~而家係浸大讀HR Management diploma...而家讀完last一科diploma課程就可以讀個degree course架啦~個Diploma我讀左1.5年到~有d同學勤力d可以1年就完成~~讀完可以接BU同南澳合辦的degree課程~除此之外~我sir都介紹左d機構比我地選擇 degree課程....課程好彈性~可以自己分配時間
其實poly u幾好~但係收生好嚴謹,而且聽聞係讀得最辛苦的一間~有d科一星期返4日
我有朋友仔讀HKU Space...佢地的評語就係話時候長,要由cert開始讀讀到professional diploma~大概要2年時間,而且學費唔平...Degree course學費都唔平~時間長...而且返學時間同地點fixed...唔彈性~
而HKMA~ 師資麻麻~如果唔好彩撞到D唔好的TUTOR就會浪費時間囉~加上我覺得如果Diploma係大學拎的話,係出面搵間機構讀Degree會易d~不過睇下你想要咩啦
HKBU~ BA Diploma (哩個diploma比我果個多兩科,所以時間會長d)
III. Minimum Entry Requirements
A certificate in business related discipline offered by the School of Continuing Education (SCE); OR
Form 6 completion plus 5 years of work experience; OR
Completion of Form 7; OR
Qualifications / experience deemed to be equivalent by the SCE .
Applicants may be required to make up additional subjects depending on their prior learning.
A certificate in business related discipline does not include the professional certificates awarded by SCE.
IV. Academic Recognition
University of South Australia
Under normal circumstances, graduates of the Diploma in Business Management are granted exemption equivalent to 8 subjects out of the 24 subjects leaving 16 subjects to be completed towards the Bachelor of Applied Finance, Bachelor of Business (Administrative Management)/ (Human Resource Management)/ (Marketing) from the University of South Australia, depending on how closely their prior learning matches with their intended studies. Please call 3411 2850 for further information.
V. Programme Fee
HK$20,480 for the whole programme (to be paid on a subject-by-subject basis and subject to revision.)