Exchanging Christmas Present*

2006-12-16 11:07 pm
I have to exchange present with my relatives in a christmas party,
there will be elderly and youngsters age from 5 to 70. hahaa
we will be exchanging present to someone we have no idea.
What present do you recommend?
I want a present to make the receiver laugh and be surprise~
Please Help =)

回答 (2)

2006-12-16 11:21 pm
✔ 最佳答案
you may give a musicbox that can 刻字
place to buy it: Mongkok
[ it costs about $300 ]

you can buy a 玻璃刻字.. it's quite expensive but very紀念性
place to buy it: Mongkok or any shopping centre
[ it costs around $250 - $350 ]

if you want to buy some cheaper
you can choose to buy a 笑話書 or 水晶下雪擺設

recommend: 水晶下雪擺設

i believe they would like it;)

2006-12-17 16:39:29 補充:
笑話書 or 水晶下雪擺設 ARE BELOW 150!!!!
2006-12-16 11:11 pm
how much for the present budget?

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