
2006-12-16 9:17 pm
- Would you like (to have???) something to drink?
- Please raise (up???) your wine, everybody.
- "為我們的友誼而乾杯!" in english
- Let's drink to (the???) success of the contract!
- As (a/the???) saying goes, "Do in Roma as the Romans do!"
- I'm glad to welcome you to (visit???) our factory.

- "It's all settled, then I would come with you at 2.30 this afternoon to see our vice-mayor." It's all settled 是指甚麼意思? - "Let's go. I will show you around." 請改寫

回答 (2)

2006-12-16 10:18 pm
✔ 最佳答案

1. Would you like some drinks?
---Keep simple!
2. Please raise your wine, everybody.
---No need "Up".
3. "For our friendship!"
---e.g. "For good health" (為健康乾杯) "For our brotherhood" (為兄弟情誼乾杯)
4. Let's drink for making the success of agreement of the contract!
---晤係Contract 個成功,係為Contact 達成一致個成功.
5. As the saying goes "Do in Roma as the Romans do!"
---Because you know the "Idiom". 知道係咩野個時候用"The".
6. I'm glad to welcome you to our factory.
---既然係“Welcome"就晤使 "Visit". 因爲“Welcome"已經話歡迎來擡".
7. It's all settled. It means everything has been arranged. 係講咩野都安排着
8. "Let's go, i'll show you around". 晤使改,係岩ge.

Cheers! I hope it will help...
2006-12-17 7:28 am
Would you like something to drink?
Could I offer you something to drink?
(說Would you like some drinks?要小心,因為單用drinks通常是指有酒精的飲料,所以除非你真是想問別人要不不喝酒,最好都不要那樣問。)

除非你真是要叫人拿起杯子(做一個動作),否則你通常都只會說Let us toast for our friendship,然後自己舉杯,他人便會一同舉杯祝賀。

Let us toast for our friendship!
And for the success of the contract!

As the saying goes, "Do in Rome as the Romans do." 除非你是意大利文人,否則羅馬的英文是Rome,而非Roma。我想問,你用此句是表達甚麼意思?

I appreciate your coming to visit our factory.

It's all settled - 要看“It“ 指甚麼。如若你說 when you are all settled,那就是說當對方準備好了(如取出了文件,打開了電腦,坐了在會議桌前)。

Why don't you come with me? Let me show you around.比較有禮貎。Let's go是跟很熟識的朋友說“一起走吧。”相信,你跟客人在一起時都會說“請跟我來。”

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