Way to cure wart ?!

2006-12-16 8:44 pm
I want to know what is the best way to kill the wart ? and what is the reason of getting wart ? My both hands are full of wart now..this upset me pretty much

回答 (2)

2006-12-17 1:20 am
✔ 最佳答案
there are many method to cure this.

some use drops, some use burning, some use cold therapy.

i think you need to go to the doctor to see what treatment is suitable for you.

my family doctor in Tai Wai (Dr. Ho) is quite good on this and he can tell you what happen (because my friend have seen him 1 months ago for the same problem),
he is very nice and may be you can see him if he can help you.
His clinic Tel no 2634 5530

Hope he can help you.
2006-12-17 5:09 am
疣乃由人類乳頭狀瘤病毒(Human Papilloma virus)感染所引起的表皮不正常反應,此病毒容易從皮膚磨損處入侵,如手、腳或受傷部位。任何年齡、任何部位(尤其是手和腳)皆可能受感染,一般在10歲以後較易發生。而受感染的部位不同,疣的名字也不同,如尋常疣(常見於手指、指甲邊緣)、扁平疣(常見於臉部、足部)、手掌疣、蹠疣(多見於腳底、趾縫)等。若免疫能力正常,數月至數年就能把疣病毒驅走。但痊癒了,亦有機會再受感染。



通常使用CO2二氧化碳或Liquid Nitrogen液態氮,冷凍時間視乎疣的大小,使用頻率很重要,通常每兩三星期一次,需要3至4次治療才告完成,但因幼童怕痛或不舒服而較難使用此法。冷凍治療有時會引起水泡、結疤、皮膚色素改變等副作用。

參考: 本人是護士

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