昨天在TST的Femme買了一個burberry 藍色袋, 只有一個藍色的膠索繩袋裝住, 有可以是假的嗎?

2006-12-16 8:30 pm
昨天在TST的Femme買了一個burberry 藍色袋, 只有一個藍色的膠索繩袋裝住, 有可以是假的嗎?

回答 (3)

2006-12-17 9:48 pm
✔ 最佳答案
actualy 100 real .............
I call their office before ,,,
they will heip u how can find real r fake............
if u have problem u can call their office
actually they have 10-20 shops in hk ......
if they have problem ..........police can take action ..........
but no a..........
don't worry
2006-12-19 10:15 am
其實呢..o個個藍色的膠索繩袋可以話係佢o既塵袋黎架啦..因為個藍色的膠索繩上面寫住"BURBERRY LONDON BLUE LABLE"...因為而家blue label出o既袋好多時都係俾呢個袋...有時得個白色袋..咩字都冇架..
2006-12-16 8:33 pm

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