
2006-12-16 7:45 pm
我明年便會讀完lu 既 associate degree of business in supplt chain management,好想讀LU既BA (Hons) Logistics and Decicision making(UGC funfing's degree) or 其他LU的BBA 's degree course, 我想問
1.依個degree係點收生 & 我有無機會讀到 ( 麻煩唔好pastehku space 既內容)
2.除左佢有無其他選擇, ( 我想讀d可以幫助響logistics, management, marketing既 degree)

希望你地可以幫我丫, 唔該........

回答 (1)

2006-12-16 8:01 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. You better to ask LU's admission office directly. Their answer is official and updated, because at time they will tighten or losen their enrollment criteria.

2. The "Logistics and Decicision making" is a very good choice if you will gear your career towards the logistic sector. Pick marketing only if you know youself a kind of outgoing and sales type of person. In the logistic sector people with good management skills have a better prospect than sales/marketing people by nature of the business.

You can email me directly in Chinese should you need any more advice.
參考: C How

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