
2006-12-16 6:58 pm

回答 (10)

2006-12-16 7:04 pm
✔ 最佳答案
two million six hundred seventy eight thousand nine hundred fify six only
2006-12-16 8:44 pm
I know there are ten answers before me but I really want to throw my chest out.

How come people don't pay attention when teachers teach?

It is a Primary Five question. Look at any Primary 5 English textbook and you will find the answer.

The correct answers are:

British English (Hong Kong schools teach British English)

Two million six hundred AND seventy eight thousand nine hundred AND fifty six dollars.

(AND is captialised so as to highlight there is an "and" there, we do not need to capitalise "and')

American English

Two million six hundred seventy eight thousand nine hundred fifty six dollars.

In Bristish English, you need to add an AND between hundreds and tens. FOR GOD'S SAKE, IT IS PRIMARY FIVE ENGLISH!!!

In American English, no and is needed.

Also if you really want to tell .00, you can add the word EXACTLY at the very beginning or IN EXACT at the end.

e.g. Exactly Two million six hundred and seventy eight thousand nine hundred and fifty six dollars.
2006-12-16 8:18 pm
two millions six hundred seventy eight thousands nine hundred and fifty six,(point double zero) ....so exactly? 2 decimal places?
2006-12-16 8:00 pm
Two million six hundred and seventy-eight thousand nine hundred and fifty-six
2006-12-16 7:48 pm
two million six hundred seventy eight thousand nine hundred and fifty six

參考: 自己
2006-12-16 7:44 pm
Two Million Six Hundred Seventy Eight Thousand Nine Hundred and Fifty Six
參考: me
2006-12-16 7:08 pm
two million six hundred seventy eight thousand nine hundred and fifty six
2006-12-16 7:04 pm
Two million six hundred seventy-eight thousand nine hundred and fifity-six only.
2006-12-16 7:03 pm
two million,six hundred seventy eight thousand,nine hundred and fifty six point 0 .........
2006-12-16 7:03 pm
Two Million Six Hundred Seventy Eight Thousand Nine Hundred and Fifty Six

2006-12-17 01:33:20 補充:
樓下位朋友,你點可以咁話人架呢?唔錯過又點學到野呢?老實講,我以前的老師千叮萬囑我只能有一個AND字係最後o個組(係寫數字或$$時)?點都好,謝謝你的指正,令我多學一點點。O岩O岩查過POLY 的網頁,佢地的寫法為:two million, six hundred and seventy-eight thousand, nine hundred and fifty-six另外,我睇唔到問題有dollars sign。

2006-12-17 01:33:54 補充:
參考: Myself

收錄日期: 2021-04-12 19:04:48
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