
2006-12-16 6:46 pm
Therefore, he put down one hundred thousand dollars for the [payment] and [went away].
我是想講那個人放下十萬元(俾錢), 之後走了. (那個人是吃完飯所以俾錢,)

但是我個老師話 [ ] 裡的字要choose another word,
但我又不知要改什麼, 那我要choose which word?

還有一句. I felt very pleased in this event because [I had brought down the house].
個老師寫了GP 在我[ ] 這句上面.
這句是idiom 來的, 但我究竟錯了什麼? 要怎樣改才對?

回答 (4)

2006-12-16 7:08 pm
✔ 最佳答案
由於我唔係咁清楚前段講緊咩, 只係這一句句子, 我會咁講

Therefore, he put down one hundred thousand dollars for [his meal / his lunch / his dinner] and [left]

Idiom : Bring the house down / bring down the house 意思係歡呼聲, 笑聲大到"拆天" 所以一個人係無可能 bring down the house, 係要一班人同時因為一d 野感到高興, 興奮先會用呢句成語 e.g. John is a funny comedian. His jokes always bring down the house (http://2ndnature-online-eikaiwa.com/Idioms/Idioms-House.htm)

於由我唔知你想係呢句表達d 咩野, 所以幫唔到你改.
2006-12-16 8:30 pm
Therefore, he put down one hundred thousand dollars for the [bill ] and [left].
here, '離開' is somewhat different from '走了',it would be better to use 'left' .

it should be ' i had brought the house down'>>'bring the house down' is the authentic idiom.
but make sure you know the exact meaning of the idiom so as to match what you're going to say, otherwise, it is quite weird. honestly, even worse than not using it.

sorry, what's meant by 'GP'?
2006-12-16 8:19 pm

1) [payment]---Check
2) [went away]---Left
3) [I had brought down the house]---I know i finally made it.

PS: 1---We usually say "Check, Plz" as we wanna pay the bill.
2---"Go away", we say "go away" when someone's botherin' you, made you feel
3---"Make it", we usually say "we finally made it" when we're happy about made things happen in a positive way.

I hope it will help...
2006-12-16 7:05 pm

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