
2006-12-16 11:40 am
Mr. Carter, I think you (must/should???) (be/feel???) jet-lagged.
(Shall/should???) we go and see about your baggage now?
(Can/could???) I talk to you or a moment? 我想跟你報告我們明天行程的安排. <-translate in english
"Tomorrow, we'll pick you up around 1.00 in the afternoon. Now, you can take a bath, watch TV, listen to music, or have a good (sleep/rest/dream???), do whatever you like to be relax."整句

(Take/taking???) you time, 我們不急的, you can tell us in (tomorrow/tommrrow's???) meeting. Now, you can take a bath, watch TV, listen to music, or have a good 午睡小休, 先放鬆一會. .


Then, you can go shopping 或四處逛街at night. 我己經安排了兩位下屬今晚帶你玩, and they will pick you up at 7.00 (in/at???) the lobby. 但你想今晚休息多點的話,我也可cancel的.


note: 唔好為yahoo分數亂改,多謝合作!!!

回答 (4)

2006-12-16 12:44 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Mr. Carter, I think you may have some jet-lag.
Shall we go and pick up your luggage now?
I would like to let you know the itinerary for tomorrow.
"We'll pick you up around 1pm tomorrow. Now, you can take a bath, watch TV, listen to music, or have a good rest or do whatever you like to be relaxed."

補充:We are not in a hurry, take your time. You can tell us in tomorrow's meeting. Now, you can take a bath, watch TV, listen to music, or have a nap and relax for a while.

補充:Then, you can go shopping anywhere at night. I've already arranged 2 workmates to take you to have fun tonight. They will pick you up at 7pm in the lobby. But if you want to have a rest tonight, it can be cancelled.
2006-12-17 1:07 pm
2006-12-16 12:37 pm
Mr. Carter, I think you (must feel) 如唔係太肯定的 (should be )(JETLAG).
(Shall) we go and see about your baggage now?(如用should係一定要去的意思,shall係 我們好不好去看看行利,睇你想係order人,定係叫人去)
(Can/could???) I talk to you or a moment? 我想跟你報告我們明天行程的安排. <-
translate in english
"Tomorrow, we'll pick you up (at) around 1 in the afternoon. Now, you can take a bath, watch TV, listen to music, or have a good (rest,sleep也可)(. 用full stop) (D)o whatever you like to (to之後infinitive,唔需要verb)relax."

(Take) you(R) time, (we are not in a hurry)我們不急的, you can tell us (請問tell咩呢?如everything,incident,story etc.) (at) (tomorrow's) meeting. Now, you can take a bath, watch TV, listen to music, or have a good (同上一樣).

Then, you can go shopping or wonder around in the streets (不過通常會這樣寫:enjoy the view ) at night. (I have already planned tonight for two of my assistant to accompany you for a great night) 我己經安排了兩位下屬今晚帶你玩, and they will pick you up at 7.00(pm) in the lobby(因為lobby較大未夠specific, 你記緊係on最大,到in,最請得明白例如係星期五我家的洗手間的洗臉盆到 就會用at喇). (But if you want to take a rest tonight, I could cancel everything and let you relax instead.) 但你想今晚休息多點的話,我也可cancel的.

Hope this can help you!
參考: English teacher
2006-12-16 12:31 pm
Mr. Carter,

How’s your feeling? Good?

I want to let you know about my planned for you on tomorrow.

I’ll come to pick you up at 1pm, we’ll go for lunch together. At evening my 2 assistants stay with you, they will come to pick you up at 7pm in hotel lobby, you can go to shopping or go around anywhere (The Peak...). Don’t worry, you can let me know later, anyway, please take a good rest of yourself and have a sweet dream! Good night!


*其實我都唔係好明你想講咩, 如果譯得唔o岩你想要o的, 你用中文將你想講o的野講一次啦!

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