
2006-12-16 10:33 am
我D fd and mami話唔好mok牙wor~~話好地地浪費左隻牙wor~

回答 (3)

2006-12-17 10:48 pm
✔ 最佳答案
因為你兩隻牙齒是分開上下排的關係 , 所以價錢都不算很平
如果脫牙去做假牙 . 你應該會做牙橋的 , 大概都要 $10000 多 才完成 (上和下排)
如果種牙 分開兩隻 , 都要 $50000
當然 , 為左兩隻牙而去 箍牙 , 就要視乎你認為值不值得了 , 時間大概 2 年 , 價錢 $20000 左右

但我不會建議你去大陸整 .. 我知道平很多 , 但我見到有很多病人去大陸整完之後 , 發現有問題 , 再去我醫生處檢查 .. 才發現很大問題 , 到時你便後悔了 , 因為好多病人發現問題時都冇辦法補救 , 而要脫更多牙齒
清潔問題都是比較重要的 . 內地的標準跟香港的不同 , 要知道 有些疾病可以經口水和血液感染 , 例如 :肝炎 .. , 而牙科診所相信是個高危地方
所以你應該先見香港的註冊牙醫 , 起碼清潔問題不用擔心 (無良牙醫唔計呀 . 哈哈)
2006-12-16 10:18 pm
yes arh~~~remove the teeth is wastage arh~~~your fd and mum is correct......
some film star like you......lack of time to put on braces箍牙..... will make the crown...
but is your canine虎牙 move upward?? if yes, you can remove it if you haven't time...
like Leung Ching Yu(the singer) also remove her canines...but I tell you the canines is the most secure teeth of the mouth.....remove it is wastage.......

I advice you to 箍牙, but it also need to remove the teeth.......normally orthodontist will
choose 1st or 2nd premolar......

If you think you should need to fast, you can remove the teeth instead.....because 箍牙 need at least 2 years time to correct the teeth.....

Finally, better seek for dentist's advice...........if you got any problem, I am pleased to answer you.
參考: I am a dental assistant
2006-12-16 2:07 pm

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