
2006-12-16 10:32 am
油街地面積約12.59萬方呎,經規劃署修改發展大綱後,可建地積率減至約8.6倍,另高度限制亦由主水平基準上165米,下降至主水平基準上100米(近海旁為商業物業)及主水平基準上120米................請問什麼叫主水平基準, 即由那裡起計.

回答 (1)

2006-12-16 10:56 am
✔ 最佳答案
it's the level +0.00m

generally it suppose to the sea surface level

let say
mid levels area like caine road is around +90.00m that's above sea level by 90 meters

and it reduce from +165 to +100 means the height constraint of the site become strigent.

the plot ratio also reduce to 8.6(actually 8.6 is quite high)

so the total gross floor area becomes less

all the above reducing the building mass which is a good news cause the final buildings' height and size can be controlled.

P.S. the mass has to consider site coverage as well

hope can solve ur questions

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